11-Year-Old Steals $10,000, Spends $1,300 on Cab Ride to See Cute Boy
Hudson Hongo · 12/14/14 03:30PMCabbie Could Lose His License for Pranking Passengers With a Python
Jay Hathaway · 03/13/14 08:38AMWatch the DC Taxi Commission Discriminate Against Foreign Accents
Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/13 10:28AMGay Couple Kicked Out of Chicago Cab After Sharing Kiss
Lacey Donohue · 10/29/13 11:13PMForeign Student Charged $4,240 for Taxi Ride
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 09/01/13 03:05PMThis Is the NYPD's Secret Spy Cab
John Cook · 08/27/13 08:32AM
In Enemies Within, the new book from Pulitzer Prize-winning Associated Press reporters Matt Apuzzo and Adam Goldman on the NYPD's indiscriminate and probably illegal spying program, reference is briefly made to a "real yellow cab, complete with an authentic taxi medallion registered under a fake name" used by the department's intelligence division to conduct surveillance operations. This is that cab.
Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/13 08:20AM
Hamilton Nolan · 11/30/12 09:33AM
Covering the Convention in the Style of Thomas Friedman: A Tale of Two Taxis
Hamilton Nolan · 08/30/12 10:55AMCovering the Convention in the Style of Thomas Friedman: A Morning's Adventure
Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/12 11:10AMCovering the Convention in the Style of Thomas Friedman
Hamilton Nolan · 08/28/12 12:10PMPhiladelphia Cab Driver ‘Takes a big ol country shit in the sidewalk,’ Says A.J. Daulerio
Caity Weaver · 07/16/12 02:54PMPhiladelphia, the most populous city in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is a town steeped in culture and history. While it is located just an hour and a half train ride outside of New York City, few have ever set foot there, lending credence to the popular myth that Philadelphia, once a thriving colonial metropolis, has long since washed away, earning it the nickname "America's Atlantis."
New York’s New Minivan Cabs Perfect for Taking Everyone to Soccer Practice
Caity Weaver · 04/04/12 06:04PMCab Stab Banking Man May Be Canned
Hamilton Nolan · 03/19/12 09:01AMYou Should Really Buckle Your Seatbelt in Cabs
Louis Peitzman · 03/11/12 03:36PM
Yeah, yeah, who wants to buckle up in a cab? Most of us are content to slide around in the back and hope for the best. But you may want to reexamine that policy: the NY Daily News offers the story of Jane Lee, a woman who had to get 50 stitches after her face smashed into the cab partition during an accident.
Grave Containing 40 Missing Taxi Drivers Found in Iraq
Seth Abramovitch · 09/11/11 08:25PM
For the past two years, an Iraqi gangster had a lucrative little auto-theft business going. He'd send one of his men to hail a cab in Baghdad — preferably a new car — and ask for a ride to Dujail. (Dujail is the Iraqi town where Saddam Hussein had 148 boys and men killed in 1982.) When the taxi got to a deserted stretch of road, a group of gang members would appear, kill the driver, bury the body, and sell the car.
Cabbie Really Doesn't Want to Go to Brooklyn
Hamilton Nolan · 05/03/11 08:23AMNew York in the '70s Wasn't All That Great
Brian Moylan · 04/12/11 02:44PMSome people have a tendency to idealize the wild, anything-goes New York City of the 1970s. Here's some vintage footage from some sort of news program or documentary about public transportation during the era. The hilariously stereotypical voiceovers talk about dangerous subways, dirty buses, and horrific cabs. Nostalgia isn't all it's cracked up to be—but the retro soundtrack sure does rock. [via Animal NY]