
Cafeteria Worker Rehired After Losing Job for Giving Food to Low-Income Student

Mallory Ortberg · 12/15/12 01:00PM

A woman who was fired from her job in an elementary school cafeteria earlier this week after giving free lunch to a needy student has been given her job back, according to Missouri's Channel 5 News. Dianne Brame had been employed as the cafeteria manager for Hudson Elementary for the last three years; she began giving free lunches to the student, a fourth-grader, after she realized his name was listed under the free lunch program but his eligible status had expired.

Finally, the Models Catch a Break

The Cajun Boy · 07/16/09 08:43PM

Life sucks. Everyone knows this. Of course, life sucks most for the models. All those castings and photo shoots and cocaine-fueled orgies and whatnot! How do they do it?! Well, things are finally looking up, thanks to the "Model Lounge."

They've Escaped

Valerie Flame · 08/27/08 10:12AM

Real World: Brooklyn cast spotted at the very Manhattan location Cafeteria, presumably eating $12 Green Eggs and Ham. Sadly, no details about inane conversations or outfits that identify characters by color.