
Secret Video: Newt Gingrich's Creepy Wife Grooming Him Like a Circus Walrus

John Cook · 03/28/12 10:45AM

As John Edwards learned the hard way, the camera is always on. It was certainly on in the bowels of Fox News' dark tower last November as failed presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's icy wife-bot Callista prepared him for an interview with Bill O'Reilly. She brushed him like a horse, sprayed him like Cher, and locked down his hair with dead-eyed precision. Then O'Reilly said he looked like Justin Bieber. Burn.

The Secrets of the Republican Hair Helmet

Brian Moylan · 01/23/12 03:48PM

This has been a remarkably entertaining Republican primary season. Amidst all the insanity, there is one thing that is so odd, unnatural, and reprehensible that it boggles my mind. No, I'm not talking about Rick Santorum. I'm talking about Callista Gingrich's hair. Her butter-blonde helmet is a feat of modern engineering. How does she get it just so?

Why Is Newt Gingrich Going to Hawaii?

Jim Newell · 08/17/11 11:22AM

Unpopular 1990s politician Newt Gingrich likes to hit all the big early presidential primary stops: Istanbul, the Greek Islands, California, California again, and Hawaii. Yes, Newt Gingrich appears to be going on a working vacation again, to "fundraise" during the week of his wedding anniversary.

Gingrich Had Second, $1 Million Line of Credit at Tiffany's

Max Read · 06/21/11 08:52PM

We all know that broke, friendless presidential candidate Newt Gingrich loves Tiffany & Co enough to have held a $250,000 - $500,000 credit account at the high-end jeweler. But did you know he loves the place so much he had a second, $500,000 - $1 million line of credit? And also he dyed his hair Tiffany blue?

How Did Newt Gingrich Get Such a Sweet Deal at Tiffany's?

Jim Newell · 05/25/11 12:21PM

Perhaps the opposition researchers who dumped that story about Newt Gingrich's $250,000-$500,000 "revolving charge account" at Tiffany & Co. only wanted people to make fun of his gilded lifestyle, but it also raises more concrete, scandalous questions. Namely: Why would Tiffany's give the Gingriches a no-interest credit account?

Newt and Callista Make an American Exceptionalism Porno

Jim Newell · 04/26/11 12:11PM

Citizens United, the conservative production company behind ACLU: At War With America, the Tea Party Trilogy, and the permanent destruction of the last trace of democracy in America, has put together its latest DVD dealy starring Newt and Callista Gingrich! A City Upon The Hill: The Spirit of American Exceptionalism also features cameos from Andrew Breitbart, Michele Bachmann, and incoming president for life, Donald Trump. It's about how lovely this country is and why liberals don't get that and want to make it more like the evil socialist countries in Yurp. Newt doesn't do full frontal, but there's definitely some nip action. [via Ben Smith]