
Now Anthony Weiner Has Donald Trump Judging Him

Jim Newell · 06/07/11 03:46PM

Donald Trump has made another one of those funny videos he makes from The Desk of Donald Trump, this time weighing on Internet penis-flasher Rep. Anthony Weiner. Is there no worse a punishment than having Donald Trump judge you on sex things? Who knows, maybe it will provide some comic relief.

Anthony Weiner: Stay Away from the Models

cityfile · 03/06/09 10:02AM

Beautiful models have been the downfall of many men, and Anthony Weiner, it appears, is no exception: The congressman who proposed expanding the number of visas available to foreign models last year is now being accused of accepting campaign contributions from the same models his proposal would have helped—women like Jessica Stam, May Andersen, and Thalita De Oliveira—for his upcoming mayoral campaign. The problem, of course, is that these models aren't allowed to make political contributions since they are not U.S. citizens. On the plus side, though, this may be the first scandal in history involving a politician and a gaggle of beautiful models that has absolutely nothing to with sex. Oh, poor Anthony.

Catsimatidis May Be a Contender, After All

cityfile · 01/16/09 08:17AM

Just when we were thinking there was no possible way John Catsimatidis would consider running for mayor, he pulls a fast one and suggests yet again that he really is seriously thinking about giving it a shot. According to campaign finance documents, the supermarket kingpin gave his campaign a $1 million loan last week. Now he just needs to set aside another $80 million or so, and he'll be good to go! [City Room, previously]

Political Contributions From the Dining Elite

cityfile · 10/31/08 01:45PM

Wondering who are New York restaurateurs backing this election season? Not John McCain. Grub Street combed through the data and of the 33 political donations they located, none—not a single one—went to McCain. The most generous contributor was Amy Rubenstein, the co-owner of Peter Luger's (and the wife of PR kingpin Howard) who handed over $5,600 to Obama, Clinton, and Giuliani. The award for most surprising donation? That would be Sirio Maccioni, who gave $2,300 donation to Rudy Giuliani despite the fact the former mayor once confessed that he used to throw up after eating at Le Cirque because the food was so rich. [Grub Street]