
Sickly Girls Need Love Too: The Fault in Our Stars

Rich Juzwiak · 06/06/14 10:05AM

It doesn't matter what old people like me think of Josh Boone's The Fault in Our Stars. It's going to be modern classic whether we're with it or against it. It's a triumph of the human spirit and unregulated cell growth. It's for teens to believe in, and it's been a while since teens have had something to believe in. So what difference will it make if I say that The Fault in Our Stars is bland and corny?

5-Year-Old Gets a Superhero Funeral After Battle with Brain Cancer

Jay Hathaway · 05/20/14 04:24PM

Five-year-old Brayden Denton loved comic book heroes from the time he was 3, and watched the Spider-Man movies "over and over." After he was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer a year ago, he always had a superhero with him at treatments. And at his funeral this week, superheroes served as his pallbearers.

Adam Weinstein · 03/31/14 11:45AM

Will your caramel-colored soda kill you with cancer? It might, if it's one of these brands.

Jimmy Kimmel's Tears for a 7-year-old With Cancer Are Not a Hoax

Jay Hathaway · 02/27/14 12:41PM

Late night host and reason-we-can't-have-nice-things Jimmy Kimmel has made a schtick out of destroying your ability to trust a viral video ever again, but the tears he cried for a 7-year-old boy with cancer were no hoax.

Dying Man Writes 800 Inspirational Notes for Young Daughter's Lunch

Taylor Berman · 01/27/14 02:35PM

Since his daughter, Emma, was in second grade, Garth Callaghan has written inspirational notes on the napkins he packs with her lunch each day. He's promised her she'll get one every day until she graduates high school. Callaghan will keep that promise, even though doctors—who have diagnosed him with cancer three times in two years—give him just an eight percent chance of living another five years.

Burglar Walks Out of Prison, Found Buried In Backyard 28 Years Later

Ken Layne · 01/24/14 03:20PM

Dennis "Slick" Lilly put on a prison guard's uniform and walked out of jail in December 1986, and that's the last the cops ever saw him alive. Despite being on the FBI's list of Most Wanted Criminals, Lilly was so slick that he disappeared into the life of a law-abiding small businessman in a woodsy town near Seattle.

Dear Bill Keller: I Have Cancer. Is That OK?

Robert Kessler · 01/14/14 02:58PM

In the fall of last year, I noticed a lump in my left neck which felt to me like a run-of-the-mill swollen lymph node. When it didn't go away I sought the advice of a doctor. Several months and countless medical tests later, the official diagnosis is stage IV non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Positivity is Bullshit When You Have Cancer

Lauren Sczudlo · 11/23/13 12:54PM

My eyelashes are mascara-less stumps and I’ve been commando in the same stained, hot pink sweats for 36 hours, but I don’t care. It’s 2011, and my mom and I are at my grandmother’s house in Michigan hoping for some rest after a hellish year spent cycling through chemo, radiation, and surgeries.