
Yahoo shareholder plots July 3 revolt

Nicholas Carlson · 05/07/08 12:20PM

Yahoo will hold its annual shareholders' meeting on July 3. Investors angry over how Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang the Yahoo board handled merger negotiations with Microsoft — paging Gordon Crawford and Bill Miller — have until next Thursday to do so by submitting an alternate slate of directors to replace the current board. Wall Street analysts don't expect it to happen, reports the Financial Times. Activist shareholder Eric Jackson, the president of Ironfire Capital, isn't listening to them, however.

Gordon Crawford doubles down on Yahoo with $6 billion bet

Owen Thomas · 04/11/08 03:00PM

At Capital Research & Management, an investment management firm and longtime Yahoo shareholder, media-savvy stockpicker Gordon Crawford has raised its stake in the company to more than 16 percent, from $4 billion to $6 billion at current prices, some time in the past three months. The stock's chart strongly suggests that his buy came after Microsoft's bid sent Yahoo shares soaring. What that means: Crawford believes Microsoft will succeed in its bid for Yahoo, but only after raising its price. That's a fair turnabout from his earlier concerns that a higher price for Yahoo would mean losses from his firm's stake in Microsoft that outweighed gains from its Yahoo position. Capital's huge bet on Yahoo means that CEO Steve Ballmer's hand is weakened in resisting calls to up Microsoft's offer.