
WWSD? Captain Sully Concerned About Air Safety

Jeff Neumann · 04/28/11 07:22AM

Air travel in America is becoming increasingly scary, with napping air traffic controllers, First Lady near misses, and so on. Who can we turn to in these trying times? Heh, we should be ashamed for posing such a rhetorical question. The Daily Beast caught up with the only man we need to hear from, Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, to get his thoughts on the crisis gathering in America's skies. Besides the fact that Captain Sully never met a flying schedule he couldn't man up and handle, we learn that proposed cuts in the FAA's budget scare him:

This Eagle-Killing Pilot is No Captian Sully

Tom Dobrowolski · 08/09/10 02:54PM

Captain Steve may have saved these peoples' lives but don't expect him to become an overnight American hero. He did manage to kill our threatened national symbol in the process. Captain Sully is not impressed.