
America's Long National Nightmare of Guys Stealing Cardboard From Behind Wal-Mart Is Over

Hamilton Nolan · 07/25/12 10:10AM

Ever since the collapse of the global economy due to massive, reckless, multi-trillion-dollar "me-first" gambling on an institutional scale, Americans have been clamoring for prosecution of the powerful people whose greed caused this whole mess. And finally, we're getting it: law enforcement has, at long last, arrested the guys who take old cardboard boxes from out back of Wal-Mart.

2,000 Cardboard Boxes Make It Rain

Casey Chan · 04/28/11 10:20PM

Fake rainfall is therapeutic. The pit pat pitty patty pat pat pit sound reminds me of childhood days peering out the window in wonderment. So peaceful! An art installation by Zimoun in collaboration with Architect Hannes Zweifel re-creates the sound of falling rain with 2,000 cardboard boxes and 200 DC motors. The motors, attached to the boxes, gently whip the cardboard to make the soundtrack. I'm going to fall asleep listening to this tonight. [Vimeo]