
500 Days of Kristin, Day 357: Kristin Cavallari, PhD

Allie Jones · 01/16/16 08:56PM

Since her days on Laguna Beach and The Hills, Kristin Cavallari has built a career designing shoes and jewelry and one special book all about her life. But if it weren’t for reality TV, Kristin told Vegas magazine in 2010, she would be something else.

How an American NGO Worker Became an In-Demand Shaman in Cambodia

Nathan A. Thompson · 05/20/15 01:30PM

When praying mantis aliens tell you to quit your job and become a soothsayer, sometimes you follow their orders. At least that’s what one woman here in Phnom Penh did earlier this year. Eileen, who declined to give her full name in case her mom found out about her drastic career change, was working in international development in Cambodia but now sits in a colorful stall in one of Phnom Penh’s teeming markets. Her fortune-telling services have proven popular with locals who have dubbed her “Kru Khmer Barang”—the Western shaman.

Activities Better for Your Health than Investment Banking

Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/12 04:05PM

Oh-oh, a new study of entry-level investment bankers finds the young masters of the universe afflicted with "insomnia, alcoholism, heart palpitations, eating disorders and an explosive temper." And that's the young ones. Why destroy yourself like that? There are lots of safer activities than investment banking.

The 'Writing About Yourself' Trap

Hamilton Nolan · 05/24/11 09:13AM

Remember Lena Chen? She was big on the internet a few years back for being a compulsively oversharing sex blogger while she attended Harvard. Anyhow, she graduated, and stopped sex blogging, and we forgot about her. Now she's back! And we're going to use her story as a peg for some completely unsolicited advice-giving.

Spoiled California Prison Guards Have It Easy

Lauri Apple · 04/30/11 05:00PM

If you're one of the kids who's spending the weekend trying to decide whether to go to Harvard next year or become a prison guard in one of California's luxurious prisons, you might check out the Wall Street Journal.

Do Not Pay For Any Internships (Especially Not in DC)

Hamilton Nolan · 08/30/10 10:20AM

First, there were paid internships. Those were okay. Then, there were unpaid internships. Those were just slightly better than nothing. Now, there are internships you pay for, which won't even get you a high-paying job. Those are a scam.

Jesse Who? Some Non-Marital Career Advice for Sandra Bullock

Richard Lawson · 03/22/10 01:17PM

The likable, coltish actress has just won an Oscar but all anyone can talk about is hissy Jesse James gossip. So let's take a moment to discuss not her marital woes, but how she can keep the career buzz going.