
Yahoo's CEO Is Cussing Her Way Out the Door

Ryan Tate · 09/08/11 01:45PM

If there were any correlation whatsoever between cursing and profits, Carol Bartz would never have been fired from atop Yahoo. As things stand, she's swearing up a storm about how she was "fucked over."

Yahoo's CEO: 'I've Just Been Fired Over the Phone'

Ryan Tate · 09/06/11 06:43PM

Yahoo's cursing CEO Carol Bartz is out the door — and just sent staff an email saying she's been fired over the phone. It looks like AOL isn't the only loser tech company with a clusterfuck on its hands this week.

Yahoo's CEO Tells Journalist to 'F—- Off'

Ryan Tate · 05/24/10 03:38PM

Here's a clip of Carol Bartz speaking more bluntly than the potty-mouthed Yahoo CEO has ever spoken in public before. She tells TechCrunch editor Mike Arrington to "fuck off," and that's not the start of it.

The French Resistance to Yahoo's Cost-Cutting CEO

Ryan Tate · 12/16/09 01:15PM

Their point: Yahoo made about 1 million euros per worker from Yahoo France alone last year, and used to hype how "it's important to have [locally] concentrated engineering activities... to innovate" in France, where it would base "one of [its] most important centers in Europe." Yahoo France's engineers will now stop working until Yahoo agrees that they shouldn't have to stop working. At least they're fact checking the internet company's hype along the way.

Yahoo Nukes Man's Photos Over Obama Comments

Ryan Tate · 06/09/09 05:51PM

Flickr user Shepherd Johnson was browsing the official White House photostream one night when he decided to post a politically-charged comment. Then another, then another. Soon, without warning, Yahoo's photo-sharing service deleted his account, complete with 1,200 pictures.

Yahoo's New Top Flack: Cuddly and Awake

Ryan Tate · 06/03/09 04:45PM

Yahoo's PR operation has been a disaster of late. Its former top flack maybe leaked an ex-employee's nasty performance evaluation; another was caught sleeping during a shareholder's meeting. So Yahoo spread word: its new guy is nice and conscious!

Yahoo CEO Smacks Down Second Reporter

Ryan Tate · 05/28/09 01:30PM

Carol Bartz is on a rampage. First the Yahoo CEO delivered a "fuck you" to Kara Swisher of All Things Digital. At least that half-joking rebuke was somewhat cordial; today Bartz cut off CNBC's Jim Goldman with an icy "excuse me" at the start of an on-air smackdown.