
Eli Valley · 07/05/16 11:20AM

Eli Valley is publishing a collection of his comics this year with OR Books.

Newspapers Are Censoring Their Photos of Charlie Hebdo Mohammad Cartoons

J.K. Trotter · 01/07/15 03:20PM

At least three English-language outlets—the New York Daily News, the London-based Daily Telegraph, and the Associated Pressare either pixelating or completely deleting photos of Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting Mohammad. Members of the satirical magazine’s Paris staff were gunned down this morning by masked attackers. As BuzzFeed points out, other Western outlets such as CNN have taken similar steps in the past when reporting on controversial depictions of the most prominent prophet in Islam.

This Trailer for The Smurfs Will Ruin Your Childhood

Matt Cherette · 03/10/11 10:32PM

Here's the first official trailer for The Smurfs, the Niel Patrick Harris-starring live-action (and partially animated, too, duh) big screen version of the hugely popular '80s TV series. So, how's it look? Well... bad. In fact, very, very bad. Oy.

Brian Turns Right at Rush Limbaugh's House on Family Guy

nightintern · 11/29/10 12:44AM

Complete with a showstopping musical number, tonight's Family Guy certainly delivered. Special guests include crowd favorites like Bush Jr., Cheney, Pelosi and the Globetrotters. This clip not only features tonight's stars, but relays the episode's message hilariously in 59 seconds.

Video about Technology's Early Adopters is Poignant, Timely

Christopher Han · 11/27/10 08:53PM

This one is for every person completely content with the way they get things done now. The ones who, curiously, hold onto their old gadgets with zeal. The good folks at CollegeHumor argue that history is not on your side.

The Simpsons Do Ke$ha

Matt Cherette · 05/03/10 12:28PM

What the more recent seasons of The Simpsons have lacked in terms of comedic creativity, they've made up for with wacky intros. Case in point: last night's opening, in which the entire Springfield gang performed Ke$ha's "TiK ToK." Video inside.

Ugly Americans: What's Blood Got to Do With It?

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/22/10 11:47AM

Kristen Wiig guest-starred in a Twilight tale of vampires, love, and bureaucracy. Lt. Grimes' daughter fell for a bloodsucker, but neither father nor state would stand for inter-species romance—at least not until the couple completed the requisite seminars.

South Park Explains Everything That Is Annoying About Facebook

Matt Cherette · 04/08/10 12:23AM

Tonight, South Park made comment on Facebook and its obsessives by brilliantly taking every ridiculous thing about what the social network has become and explaining it with hilariously awkward (and eerily accurate) "IRL" interactions. Inside, the best—and funniest—moments.

Ugly Americans Zombifies New Jersey

nightintern · 04/07/10 11:45PM

Tonight's episode of Ugly Americans re-imagined a post-demonic apocalypse New Jersey, zombie race-hate and all. With storylines like this, we can see why this show is gaining fans at an exponential rate each week.

"Springfield of Tomorrow" is Revealed on The Simpsons

Matt Cherette · 03/14/10 07:27PM

Tonight, The Simpsons opened with a tongue-in-cheek look at the "Springfield of Tomorrow," seen through the eyes of a '60s era educational film. Gone are buses and subway rides, and in are plutonium-powered cars—with robot claws! Video inside.

Somebody Buy This Stupid Cartoon Already

Hamilton Nolan · 02/29/08 10:11AM

Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard is trying to sell his very popular cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb as a turban, which helped to ignite all that hysteria among fundamentalist Muslims a couple years back. They're still trying to kill Westergaard, and he's getting pretty tired of it. Now he's trying to unload the infamous cartoon, so he can at least get some cash to buy a Playstation 3 to entertain himself while in hiding. Of course, no auction house wants to touch it and no collector wants to hang it up, so he's having a hard time [WSJ]. Somebody please just buy it—display it, burn it, use it as toilet paper, who cares—this controversy is one of the more exasperating and stupid of the 21st century. Raffle time! Below, a reprint of the full page of mediocre cartoons that cause the pointless fuss.