
Little Kitten Gets a Very Rude Surprise!!!

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/19/15 12:03AM

As Holden Caulfield once said—and I'm approximating here—"You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and and fuck with the mason jar right under your little kitten nose!!!"

All The Sad Young High School Literature Teachers…

Moe · 08/26/08 12:50PM

"I would would love to teach any of the Russians including guys like Babel. Definitely Wilde and Virginia Woolf. I would want to do Illustrated Man by Bradbury. Mafouz, Naipaul, Saramogo, oh and Crab Walk by Günter Grass as a weird interesting look at WWII. Plath is wonderful. I could go on. For me I want to deal with books that in Kafka's words 'wound and stab us.'"—My favorite high school teacher emailing in response to this.**I went to a generally mediocre Catholic high school but every mediocre school has that one cool karate-teaching hardware store-moonlighting teacher whose lectures you would actually rather listen to (obligatory dating of self) than Anderson Cooper on Channel 1 and this one was it.

Why Can't High Schools Ban Catcher In The Rye Already?

Moe · 08/26/08 11:29AM

Catcher in the Rye: Why is every teenager still reading it? So asks an English teacher in Good Magazine who claims its only merits are that it is short, full of cuss words and wholly lacking in references to other books high schoolers have not read. Well, yeah!. Plus there are other literary works that have more cuss words and "social currency" than Catcher in the Rye. Like the Gossip Girl books and Lindsay Lohan's MySpace blog! So why won't it go away?My initial reaction to this would be that we read Catcher In The Rye because everyone on some level at some point loves Catcher In The Rye and we are fast running out of things we can say that about.* I am not quite sure why, I thought to myself upon scanning this essay. But high school will always need Salinger. Maybe because he actually himself had an eating disorder? I wasn't quite sure. And then I read this!