
Lamestain Boston Cops Google 'Punk Rocker,' Use Results to Crack Down on Local Music, DIY House Shows

Camille Dodero · 03/29/13 03:42PM

Joe Sly is such a hardcore Boston punk. He's so punk, his email address is He's so punk that he proactively emails noise bands to see when and where they're coming to Boston to play some of those "DIY concerts." He's so punk his Google+ motto—this oxymoron just gets better—is "What's the point," his disaffection so deeply punk the statement doesn't even merit a question mark on his profile.

How Did Football Star Manti Te'o Get Catfished by a Fake Dead Girl? Six Theories to Explain the Year's Craziest Story

Max Read · 01/17/13 04:46PM

As nearly everyone in America knows by now, the heartbreaking and inspirational story of Notre Dame football star Manti Te'o and his dead girlfriend was a hoax. As Deadspin conclusively proved yesterday, "Lennay Kekua," whom Te'o claimed to have dated until her death from leukemia last fall, never existed. But if Kekua isn't real, then what happened? Was Te'o the hoax's victim, or its perpetrator, or something else entirely? We run down six of the most popular theories.