
Sex Scandalized Airline Cancels Ill-Timed Ad Campaign

Jeff Neumann · 08/15/11 07:25AM

Hong Kong-basd airline Cathay Pacific on Friday said that two of its employees who were "shown in compromising situations" — read: having fun with a camera in the cockpit — were "no longer employees of the company." Well, fair enough. If you take oral sex pics in your place of work and they somehow leak (not judging!), you sort of deserve to be let go if you're in the service industry. But Cathay Pacific didn't stop there. As part of the airline's attempt to clean up its stained image, an advertisement campaign called "People and Service" was cancelled yesterday. What's so bad about that? Oh, the slogan, which claims that Cathay Pacific is "the team who go the extra mile to make you feel special." Yeah, good call canceling that one.

Airline Investigates Alleged Cockpit Blow Job Pics

Jeff Neumann · 08/08/11 04:24AM

Cathay Pacific airlines says it is investigating two leaked pictures (NSFW) that allegedly show a stewardess giving a pilot a blow job in the cockpit of one of its planes. The pictures first appeared in Chinese-language newspapers late last week. An airline spokeswoman said in a statement, "We are conducting a full investigation into the matter and there are some indications that the female shown in the photos may be a member of our cabin crew." And it sounds like the pictures could be legit. From AFP: