
Katie Holmes MarathonGate: Mystery Solved?

Seth Abramovitch · 01/17/08 02:29PM

Who could have anticipated the Pandora's Brand Can o' Worms we'd be opening with our Katie Holmes NY marathon conspiracy coverage over the past few days? We asked questions, you had answers. You also had more questions, about mysterious men in photos and identical split times. We started to realize this was bigger than all of us. Or maybe it wasn't. We were cold. We were scared. We met a guy named Deep Socks. Eventually, we hit The Wall, but The Truth gave us our second wind. A round-up of the latest:

· Fox 411's Roger Friedman claims to have solved the mystery: Foxy Mossad Agent #6074 as commenters have dubbed him, is none other than personal trainer and aspiring actor Wesley Okerson—not Israeli, but in fact a Marylander living in Beverly Hills. Mary Okerson, Wes's mother, says he and mysterious identical split-timer Paul Vincent are Katie's trainers. She did, in fact, run the marathon, says Wes's mom! Mystery solved! (Also: Okerson was a guest of the Cruises' at the Lions for Lambs premiere.) [Fox 411]

Deeper Down The Katie Holmes Marathon Conspiracy Rabbit Hole: Who Is Paul Vincent?

Seth Abramovitch · 01/16/08 07:58PM

When it comes to the Katie Holmes NY Marathon conspiracy, we realize we've thrown quite a bit at you over the past couple of days, but the single most damning piece of evidence had yet to land in our inbox. A tipster we'll call Deep Socks suggested we go to the official Marathon website and look up the split times, registered by every runner via computer chip (we're learning so much more about marathon culture than our lazy asses ever imagined possible!), of a runner named Paul Vincent:

Katie Holmes Marathon Mystery Deepens With New Questions About Unidentified Runner #6074: Updated

Seth Abramovitch · 01/16/08 04:15PM

Blogger Harlem 26.2 (whose description, "The chronicles of a Black man running through Harlem in pursuit of rebuilding his business, a sub 3:00 marathon, and a wife - all through the lens of running," is our current favorite) has been following all the Katie Holmes marathon conspiracy theorizing closely, and adds a fascinating insight to the mix that discounts the official "lone runman" theory:

Katie Holmes Still Claiming To Have Run New York City Marathon, But We Still Have Our Doubts

Mark Graham · 01/15/08 01:38PM

Ever since we called shenanigans on Katie Holmes' involvement in the New York City Marathon just over two weeks ago, conspiracy theorists have come out of the woodwork at a rate not seen since Ollie Stone introduced a nation to the ravings of Jim Garrison. As other news organizations started to poke around the highly sensitive hot button issue of marathon integrity, they found the story was a tough nut to crack. Even our nation's most dignified and respected journalistic outlet, US Weekly, <a href="http://defamer.com/343570/us-weekly-blog-post-goes-mysteriously-missing-after-poking-around-into-katie-holmess-involvement-in-boston-marathon

">was forced to mysteriously removed a blog post that dared to investigate Katie's alleged involvement in the upcoming Boston Marathon. Just when we thought the trail had gone cold, our cause reached its zenith last night when Katie Holmes appeared on The Late Show With David Letterman and addressed the issue that has kept millions of earth humans on the edge of their seats.

'Us Weekly' Blog Post Goes Mysteriously Missing After Poking Around Into Katie Holmes's Involvement In Boston Marathon

Seth Abramovitch · 01/10/08 07:40PM

Of the many conspiracies swirling around Mrs. Kate Holmes-Cruise, none have provoked more heated debate lately—more so even than the one claiming she's L. Ron Hubbard's turkey-basted demon-child receptacle—than the question of her involvement in the New York City Marathon. (Our own voiced skepticism in a recent post instantly turned the Defamer comments section into a makeshift headquarters for the growing movement, where Grassy Stain and Magic Nipple theorists swapped information hungrily.) The mystery deepens after the jump: