
The pop-culture junk pile of 2008

Owen Thomas · 12/08/08 02:20PM

When we overdose on celebrities and overindulge in gadgets, where's the vomitorium to hurl it up? Why, it's eBay, on whose shores the flotsam of every shipwrecked trend lands. Here's what was formerly hot in 2008:

Luke Wilson just another bored Twitter user?

Owen Thomas · 12/03/08 04:20PM

Stars — they're just like us, if by "us" you mean "people who use the Internet too much." Luke Wilson, the Hollywood B-lister best known for playing a schlubby everyman, also appears to be a typical user of Twitter, the blogging service which sanely limits its users' oversharing to 140 characters at a time, when it's not actively destroying the news business. Someone signed up for a "LukeWilson" account back in April.

Oprah wept on Silicon Valley investor Sam Perry

Owen Thomas · 11/07/08 01:20PM

The world watched Oprah Winfrey cry as our new Internet President delivered his victory speech. But whose shoulder did she dump mascara on? Sam Perry, a Reuters reporter turned venture capitalist based in Silicon Valley, who had volunteered as a communications director for the Obama campaign. Perry, who's due to appear on her show today, is now a visiting fellow at Stanford University and a consultant to startups. At Reuters, one of the investments he was involved with was Moreover Technologies, a news-aggregation startup cofounded by Valleywag's publisher, Nick Denton. Yes, small world. Watch Oprah sob on Perry:

Tila Tequila switches from Yahoo spawn to Mac guy

Adriana Nunez · 11/05/08 03:00PM

Promiscuous MySpace friender Tila Tequila recently denied reports that her relationship with Courtenay Semel, the publicly drunken daughter of former Yahoo CEO Terry Semel, was on the rocks. But The Superficial says the Hollywood Z-lister's shot at girl-on-girl love has ended. Why does she no longer Yahoo?Gossip column Page Six spotted Tequila "hooking up" with Justin Long, best known for his role as a Mac in Apple commercials, at a Vegas nightclub on Halloween. Will the Mac preference stick? Who knows, but according the a New York Post spy, Long reportedly "asked her [Tequila] to straddle him while making out." What would John Hodgman have to say about this? (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images for Cirque du Soleil)

Lindsay Lohan denies coke-fueled affair with Terry Semel's daughter

Nicholas Carlson · 08/26/08 02:00PM

Former Yahoo CEO Terry Semel's daughter Courtenay told what reports call a "friend" that she and actress Lindsay Lohan met a party in the summer of 2006 and attending parties together "where they kissed and touched each other in the corner and did lines of cocaine in the toilet." Lohan denies the account: "No, that's not true." The friend says Courtenay thinks the drugs were Lohan's way of coping with a lesbian desires that she feared would ruin her career."At the time she was terrified her career would be over if she revealed her sexual tendencies," Courtenay told this "friend," who also says that "Courtenay still can't understand how Lindsay is now so open with [her current live-in girlfriend] Samantha [Ronson]," says the pal. "Every time she sees a picture of them together it kills her." Take heart, Courtenay. Daddy feels the same way about MySpace cuddling up with News Corp. At least you've got Tila Tequila. (Photos by AP and Getty)

For Barenaked Ladies, it's been one week from hell

Paul Boutin · 08/25/08 12:20PM

BNL on drugs? Bay Area nerds love the goofy-smart Toronto rock band Barenaked Ladies for lots of reasons: Frontman Steven Page's pudgy physique. Punny, word-playful lyrics clean enough for junior high, but full of adult self-effacement. Musical arrangements that borrow from folk and a capella. The band's ironic rap about stuff white people like, "One Week," was licensed by Apple as one of ten preloaded tracks in the very first version of iTunes in 2001. BNL's theme song for current CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory recaps the history of the universe (Australopithecus! Deuteronomy!) in under two minutes. So it was kind of a shock while reading up on co-frontman Ed Robertson's plane crash this weekend — all four on board escaped unharmed — to stumble upon a mug shot from Steven Page's, um, cocaine bust.Believe it: Page, a father of three, separated from his wife last year and admitted to snorting coke with his new girlfriend prior to his arrest last month in upstate New York. On Friday, he was granted an extension of his court appearance to October in order to prepare his case. It seems way out of whack for nice-guy Page to do coke, but totally in character to admit it to the cops. There's a very clever song in here somewhere. (Photo by Manlius, NY Police Department)

Julia Allison earnestly explains the rise of the celebritard

Jackson West · 03/25/08 05:00AM

CNN's Showbiz Tonight turned to Julia Allison to explain the phenomenon of tabloid regulars with little or no talent in this clip. She calls it the "de-evolution of celebrity." I can hear the producer on the phone now: "Hello, pot, we need someone to call the kettle black this afternoon. Are you available?" Of course, Allison doesn't just know how to put on makeup, wear a dress and pose like the rest of these creatures — she's an umtrepreneur!

Jay-Z, HP's star endorser, uses a Mac

Jordan Golson · 01/07/08 08:00PM

Jay-Z and girlfriend Beyonce seem to be Apple fans. No surprise there: Plenty of musicians use Macs. What is surprising? Jay-Z was in one of those Hewlett-Packard "hand" ads last year touting HP laptops. At least Tiger Woods actually wears Nike. Catch the ad after the jump.

Fake Bono draws real pitches

Paul Boutin · 12/20/07 12:59PM

I finally got the story behind Bono's alleged appearance at the Demo tradeshow last year. MindTouch cofounder Aaron Fulkerson recruited the singer from a U2 tribute band — Pavel Sfera from San Diego-area Desire — to walk around the show floor and do his shtick for laughs. Sfera, shown here with telejourno Natali Del Conte, turned out even better than the real thing: He ad-libbed monologues about Mother Teresa, Desmond Tutu and Jesus all over the place. Because of the real Bono's role at Elevation Partners, and oh just maybe an oversized sense of their own importance, Demo attendees believed what they wanted to believe: Saint Paul of Clontarf had come by their show to check out their startup! Fulkerson had to hustle Sfera out of the show after founders began excitedly pitching him. "I've got a cure for hunger," one gushed. It involved Web page markup technology. (Photo by Brian Solis, I think)

John Mayer totally blowing his geek cred

Paul Boutin · 12/05/07 02:20PM

Singer/songwriter/guitar-hero John Mayer, known in the Valley for his onstage appearances with Steve Jobs to demo Apple's GarageBand software, isn't living up (or down) to his onstage claims that he spends a lot of time alone in his bedroom — you know, with his guitar. Gossip rags report that Jobs's musician buddy was seen shnozzing with both Shrek voice actress Cameron Diaz and Friday Night Lights star Minka Kelly on separate dates over the weekend. We can only surmise that Jobs's reality distortion field works on actresses, too.