'National Enquirer' Reminds Us That Celebrities Drown Their Holiday Sorrows In Eggnog And Fruitcake, Just Like Us!
seth · 01/03/08 01:45PM
Predating the rest of the tabloid-come-latelys by many decades has given rack-based supermarket literature giant National Enquirer the clear advantage in the art of front-page editing: Whereas a lesser publication might have focused their special yo-yoing celebrity physique issue on one or two studies, perhaps cheapening the proceedings with a disparaging reference to "Jennifer Love Saddlebags," the Enquirer instead gives us a breathtaking mosaic comprised of famous-fatso body parts, accompanied by captions that make clever use of familiar references—"From 'Batman' to Fatman!" and "20 more pounds - Not a good thing!" standing out in particular.