
Debate Over What To Do With Christian Brando's Body Escalates Into Full-Out War of the Womens

mollyf · 01/30/08 04:54PM

With two armies of ladies fighting over Christian Brando's body, the debate over where to put the recently deceased son of Marlon to rest is now being fought on a very public stage. In order to help win the battle, both Anna Kashfi, Brando's mother, and his girlfriend Donna Geon have recruited others closely connected to the actor to support their wildly contradictory claims. Kashfi's posse (which also includes Brando's ex-wives Deborah Presley and Mary McKenna) thinks that Brando's body should be buried in Washington, because, well, we're not exactly sure (we think it's because he once lived there for awhile). But! Geon says Brando told her a different story, and she's pulled some half-siblings out of the woodwork to prove it.

RIP: Hunter S. Thompson, Godfather Of Gonzo

mark · 02/21/05 12:31PM

Ye fucking gods. Our first reaction when we sat down at the computer this morning and immediately discovered that Hunter S. Thompson killed himself last night was, "Holy shit." In fact, that was our second and third reaction as well. There's still some "holy shit" going around at Defamer HQ, but that will soon subside as sadness replaces it.

Johnny Carson Dead

mark · 01/23/05 02:36PM

Johnny Carson's dead! It seems like just yesterday that he was feeding jokes to David Letterman. We don't want to get too macabre, but if we were in a dead pool, we'd put all our money on Ed McMahon to go next. Sidekicks never last too long after the top bananas pass on.

Debunker: John Goodman, Not Dead Yet

mark · 01/20/05 07:37PM

Hello, internet surfers! If you've heard the rumor that John Goodman died today, or were sent a link to this story (or try this link), well, it's time to pull your commemorative plates of the 100th Roseanne episode off of eBay, because they aren't going to spike in value like you'd hoped. The story is clearly a hoax (not even the AP can mangle grammar or spelling like that), and if you look closely at the URL, the story doesn't live on the MyWay.com servers. Some jokesters decided to punk the kids at the Oh No They Didn't Livejournal, where dozens of moving tributes to the not-dead-yet Goodman were instantly erected.

These Are All People Who Have Died (In 2004)

Choire · 12/30/04 07:49AM

If you're famous, please please don't die in the next 48 hours, because the news folk have already put together their lists of everyone who died this year. Just hold on until New Year's Day.

Elizabeth Taylor DeathWatch Begins

mark · 12/02/04 04:24PM

We've heard that at least one network has put its affiliates on notice that Elizabeth Taylor is on her deathbed, giving them the heads-up that those creepy, sepia-toned special reports may soon be coming through. Let the major media deathwatch begin. Ghouls, all of them!