
Country Star Mindy McCready Becomes Fifth Celebrity Rehab Participant to Die

Max Read · 02/18/13 08:17AM

With country star Mindy McCready's Sunday-afternoon suicide, the total number of Celebrity Rehab deaths has reached five. Sixth months ago, The Daily Beast wondered if the VH1 reality show was a "death trap"; last year, the show dropped the celebrity angle and became just Rehab with Dr. Drew, because if anyone's better-equipped than celebrities to deal with treatment in public, it's regular-Joe addicts. Self-promoting host Dr. Drew Pinsky, revealed by a 2012 Justice Department settlement to be a shill for big pharma, told Buzzfeed he was "deeply saddened by this news." (Last night he was deeply saddened all over CNN.) [Gawker | The Daily Beast | WaPo | BuzzFeed | CNN]

Rich Juzwiak · 08/17/12 02:25PM

Reality TV's Joey Kovar is dead at 29. That brings the Celebrity Rehab death count up to 4.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Ready for You to Love Him Again

Richard Lawson · 07/11/11 04:48PM

The Governator (har har) may finally have a secure deal to star in a movie again. Also today: Good news about Jennifer Lopez, better news about Dr. Drew, and best news about your favorite sitcom.

Jeff Conaway Is In a Coma

Seth Abramovitch · 05/19/11 12:03AM

Grease star and former Celebrity Rehab exploitee Jeff Conaway, 60, is in a coma. The Hollywood Reporter spoke to his manager, who says it was caused by an overdose of pain relievers. He was discovered unconscious on May 11.

Celebrity Rehab Finale Brings Both Triumph and Tears

Marisa Gladstone · 01/20/11 03:20PM

The season finale starts out with none other than Jason Davis. Jason needs to go to Hawaii. Shelly reminds him how wrong he is. Jason also questions his mortality. Oh Jason, Jason, Jason. What will Dr. Drew do with you?

Meet Jason Davis: Celebrity Rehab's Main Instigator

Kate Shapiro · 12/02/10 10:37AM

Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew is back! This time with socialite, Jason Davis. Watch as he enters rehab completely intoxicated, hits on the nurse, and meets with Dr. Drew for the first time. Rest assured he'll piss off Janice Dickinson.

Heidi Fleiss' Only True Friends? Parrots

Mike Byhoff · 01/08/10 02:33PM

Finally, the premiere of Celebrity Rehab. The show where Dr. Drew exploits serious and life-threatening addictions for our entertainment. Last night, however, belonged to Heidi Fleiss. When you outcrazy Dennis Rodman, you know you're doing something wrong... right...?!

5 Moments That Made Us Want To Curl Up And Die On Last Night's 'Celebrity Rehab 2' Premiere

Seth Abramovitch · 10/24/08 03:15PM

We've been anticipating last night's Celebrity Rehab 2 premiere for some time now—we'd been pestering the good Dr. Drew Pinsky himself about it as far back as June when taping had just begun, and as recently as Wednesday had excitedly teased an entertaining scene featuring Gary Busey unpacking a Samsonite case full of spare change, hair highlighter, and coke-flecked dog fur. We wanted to wait to watch the full opener in all its self-destructive glory on TV, however, which we did. It didn't take long before we were clutching our knees to our chest, rocking back and forth, and repeating, "Why? Oh God, why?" We run down for you now the five most heart-sinkingly awful moments: 1. Steven Adler Recounts His Suicide Attempt. We meet the former Guns n' Roses drummer in the living room of a small, sparsely furnished home with smashed-in (by Adler) front windows, moaning that he wants to die. Things then proceed to go downhill from there. Try not to wince as you hear him recount the time he ingested 100 Valiums, a bottle of Jagermeister, and heroin in an attempt at killing himself, but only managed to achieve a stroke and paralysis. Hey—you wanted Celebreality. 2. Amber Smith Unveils A Week's Worth Of Prescription Drugs. We like Amber. We liked her immediately. She still retained her looks, besides doing enough uppers and downers every week to kill a Beluga Whale, and she seems to have a pretty good perspective on where she's come from, and where she needs to go. Still, it's one thing to hear someone tell you they're addicted to prescription meds—quite another for them to open their weekly pill organizer and reveal what looks like one of those one-pound bags of M&Ms spilled into its various compartments. Hang in there, girl.

Gary Busey Admits He's Done Coke Off A Canine Hooker's Back

Seth Abramovitch · 10/22/08 01:12PM

Fans of Celebrity Rehab's first season will recall it featured several breakout recoveries, including those of failed hip-hop superduo Vikki & Kenickie, as well as the addictionless Joanie "Chyna" Laurer, who right up until CR commencement exercises refused to reveal the enigmatic circumstances that led her into the program. Tomorrow night, the second season premieres on VH1, but a preview already posted online suggests that Gary Busey—who's made it clear his involvement is strictly as mystical, recovering-coke-fiend mahatma to the other patients—could wind up contributing more story-editor-nip drama to the proceedings than spiritual guidance.In the following video, the actor describes his ongoing struggles with Bolivian marching powder, reaching near Marcia Brady-levels of desperation and interspecies-sexual-favor-trading in order to get his hands on the stimulant. When time comes for check-in, rehab tech Shelly finds an agitated and uncooperative Busey unwilling to part with essentials like mouthwash, mobile phones, and large bags of weed, while minutes later a concerned Dr. Drew listens compassionately as a broken Busey relays the time he snorted blow off his own dog's back. Helluvuh drug.

Exclusive: Dr. Drew Gives Defamer The Lowdown On The Tom Cruise/Joseph Goebbels Controversy

Seth Abramovitch · 06/16/08 03:50PM

If you happened to miss the two dozen or so reminders that your humble, athletically-ungifted Defamer editor would be a featured guest on Dr. Drew Pinsky's radio show this past Friday, we've collected some of the highlights for your listening pleasure. (Before you judge our performance too harshly, you must consider for a moment how nervous we were to be in the presence of the man who taught us everything we know about the relative riskiness of the fringe sexual practices that defined much of our experimental late-20s.) Drew surprised us right off the bat by opening up the floor to our own questions. We took the bait and started grilling him about his recent feud with Tom Cruise and the first word from the set of Celebrity Rehab 2.