
Joshua Stein · 07/19/07 02:15PM

Spotted! Harper's magazine editor Roger Hodge ordering an iced coffee. He was holding a small Barney's COOP bag and was incredibly attractive. Says Mr. Hodge: "Gawker hasn't taken any potshots at Harper's recently. I'm beginning to feel neglected." Don't. Any number of women on our editorial staff and all the men would love to take care of you, handsome latte-drinking cowboy! [Ed. Note: Except Choire, who totally thinks you're a moron who doesn't know how to admit when he's wrong! Oh and say hi to Celia Farber!]

'New Yorker' Publishes Huge 'Harper's' Correction

Choire · 03/05/07 11:12AM

Totally non-gay catfight ahoy! This week's New Yorker brings a hefty piece by Michael Specter on HIV denialists in Africa and the U.S. Nowhere in the piece—which is bizarrely not online—do the names Celia Farber or Roger Hodge appear. One year ago, new Harper's editor Roger Hodge shit the bed entirely—in the name of "teaching the controversy," one which of course did not exist—with a story by journalist and "AIDS dissident" Celia Farber. (Hey, at least she was a chick, unlike most of his writers!) It caused all kinds of squabbles, including a document by doctors and activists proposing 56 corrections. None of that made an impact on Roger, though, who "stood by the story" and made noise about not being a scientist. (Batman was a scientist! Why can't Roger be?) So now that Specter has chewed up and spit out a good chunk of Farber, and Roger's been thoroughly, totally spanked by the New Yorker, maybe Roger will lose a bit of the 'tude. Plus, man, how awkward are those magazine awards lunches going to be now?