Choire · 11/05/07 02:40PM

Charles Kaiser, author of "The Gay Metropolis" and the go-to man on New York Times exegesis, and also the man I have been stalking for years because he seriously needs to be my gay lover, is now the Monday media critic for Radar. His first column today is a passel of crazy and it could not be more enjoyable. He trashes Andrew Sullivan and Howie Kurtz, interviews Times editorial page editor Andy Rosenthal (who calls Times executive editor Bill Keller "crazy"), disses that ridiculous Obama-in-New-York story from last week, and counts the white people on the Sunday T.V. chatshows (answer: all of them). [Radar]
Choire · 08/21/07 11:20AM
Longtime journo and gay historian Charles Kaiser slaps hack Michael Wolff over Wolff's forthcoming hacky Rupert Murdoch bio, to be based on Wolff's hacky Murdoch profile in Vanity Fair: "Why write a love letter to the world's most amoral publisher at magazine length, when you can do the same thing at book length—and make even more money? After all, as even Wolff had the decency to acknowledge, Rupert has already put one member of the Wolff family on the News Corp. payroll." [Romenesko letters]