
The Stupidest Solution to the "Redskins" Controversy

Hamilton Nolan · 10/18/13 08:56AM

Charles Krauthammer is a conservative columnist with a permanent sourpuss etched into his self-impressed face. He is not a sports columnist, okay? Yet he has managed, quite impressively, to come up with the single most inane solution yet for the "Washington Redskins" name controversy.

Charles Krauthammer: Trump's 'Absolutely' Running

Jim Newell · 04/22/11 01:35PM

Famous conservative Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer, like many elite Republicans, has been dumping all over Donald Trump in the last few weeks. He's called him a "provocateur and clown" who's "unserious." It was a vicious low blow to whip out the bilious "p" word against America's most respected and moral businessman. So Krauthammer was understandably terrified yesterday when his secretary told him that Trump was on the line. As he recounted on Fox News last night:

Obama-Osama Bloopers: Does Anyone Care Anymore?

Ryan Tate · 07/20/08 08:03PM

Remember when it was sort of a big deal for people to mix up Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and noted terrorist Osama bin Laden? Late last year, it was major news when CNN confused them in two different segments — the network apologized in print, on air and personally via telephone. When Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney did the same, a Huffington Post blogger wrote, in commentary typical of the moment, that "the fear of terrorism makes the Obama-Osama name mix-up anything but off-color camp." The news media has had seven months to clean up its act, but hardly seems to have learned a thing. The cable news networks tallied three Osama-Obama slip-ups in the past week alone, TVNewser noted, including a third-time offense from MSNBC's Chris Matthews. After the most recent, by Dan Rather on MSNBC Friday morning, none of the four people on camera even bothered to correct the gaffe, even though Rather actually went whole-hog and called Obama "Osama bin Laden." Where's the outrage?

Fashion wars

Gawker · 02/09/03 07:27PM

You can tell Franco-American relations are in deep trouble when even the fashion writers come off like Charles Krauthammer in full Europhobic flow. Christine Suppes, editor of Fashionlines, is barred from the Philip Treacy show, and blames the weasely French foreign minister. The French are rapidly rendering themselves obsolete, and they can thank among others, their Mr. de Villepin, whose megalomaniac behavior filters down to the second rate press offices.
Editor's Note [Fashionlines]
To my friends, colleagues and correspondents [Christine Suppes]