
Event overload

Megan McCarthy · 10/16/07 01:59PM

Tonight's a big one on the social scene — and Web 2.0 Summit hasn't even opened yet. Have a hearty meal and drink lots of water beforehand. You'll need to fortify your defenses to get through the night. Oh, and practice your French, too. Mais oui!

TechCrunch40's VC sponsors

Owen Thomas · 09/18/07 11:35AM

A Valleywag tipster whispers that a company that had made the initial cut of 20 companies for the Techcrunch40 conference — back when it was known as "TechCrunch20" — got bumped when conference organizers "doubled down" and expanded the list to 40 startups. The company's sin? Competing with a startup funded by one of TechCrunch40's four VC sponsors. The competitor got bumped, and room was made for a sponsor-backed startup. "Ah, the Valley mafia at its finest," the tipster concludes. Of course. Sand Hill Road was built on conflicts of interest.