
Reporter Fired for Belief in Reality

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/10 02:42PM

In your tenuous Tuesday media column: people get fired for crazy reasons, reporters doubling as models, a talking head maybe getting a new job, and journalistic kayak fail.

Lloyd Blankfein Goes Into Panic Mode

cityfile · 08/21/09 11:15AM

Goldman Sachs has a image problem, as you may have noticed. The firm has been battered by bad press in recent weeks as critics have accused Goldman of having a hand in everything from the destruction of the cookie industry to the spread of nuclear materials to rogue nation-states. (Okay, the firm hasn't been accused of that last one just yet, but it's just a matter of time.) Now, as we head into fall and get closer and closer to bonus season, Goldman chief Lloyd Blankfein is getting worried that it's about to get worse. But what to do?

CNBC: The Movie

John Cook · 05/01/09 11:58AM

Did you know that CNBC is not a financial network? It is in reality a wacky summer coming-of-age movie. It's anchors are characters, and you, the viewer, are a mixed-up 14-year-old. Let's watch some clips:

CNBC's Charlie Gasparino Drops F-Bomb

Owen Thomas · 01/29/09 03:02PM

What's stupider than debating Wall Street bankers' bonuses? Using obscenities on live television while debating them! That's what Charlie Gasparino, CNBC's lovably loudmouthed on-air commentator did. Click for the clip and transcript.

Tension Rising at CNBC

cityfile · 01/16/09 11:26AM

If you were thinking that the stress of the economic meltdown isn't talking a toll on financial news reporters, well, it is. This morning CNBC's Charlie Gasparino got into a little on-air tiff with colleague Dennis Kneale. Skip ahead 35 seconds or so to see Gasparino tell Kneale he isn't a real reporter and Kneale respond by telling Gasparino he's damaging the CNBC brand. Gasparino, of course, is doing no such thing. That's what Jim Cramer is there to do!

CNBC's Charlie Gasparino Melts Down on Live TV

cityfile · 10/30/08 01:45PM

Looks like the stress of the economy is taking a toll on the financial news media. CNBC's Charlie Gasparino had a bit of a meltdown on the air earlier this afternoon, as you'll see in this video clip. It starts off playfully enough, but wait for the end to see Charlie's colleagues have that classic WTF moment as Gasparino starts to say something totally incoherent about "shooting the capitalist system." [YouTube via Dealbreaker]