
The Monday Party Report

cityfile · 02/02/09 02:01PM

Peggy Siegal invited a media-heavy crowd to the Oak Room last night to watch the Super Bowl. Sports Illustrated editor Terry McDonell was in attendance (apparently, budget cuts prevented him from flying to Tampa in person); and some folks, such as former HarperCollins chief Jane Friedman, left, even donned 3-D glasses to fully appreciate the commercials. Others on hand for the festivities: Richard Johnson, Ron Perelman, Dan Abrams, Dave Zinczenko, Joanne Lipman, Charlie Rose, George Rush, Richard Meier, Cece Cord, Kate Betts, Gay Talese, Rocco DiSpirito, Chuck Scarborough, Francine LeFrak, Andrew and Nancy Jarecki, Ron Delsener, Ken Auletta, Larry Gagosian, Lewis Lapham, Steve Kroft, Lloyd Grove, Morgan Entrekin, Ann Dexter-Jones, Harry Smith, Liz Smith, Cynthia McFadden, and Felicia Taylor. [PMc, NYO, GoaG, Fox 411]

The Tuesday Party Report

cityfile · 01/13/09 12:10PM

Cinema Society, Nextbook and Grey Goose hosted a screening of Defiance last night with an after-party at Shang inside the Thompson LES. Host Andrew Saffir and the film's stars, Daniel Craig and Liev Schreiber, and director, Edward Zwick, were joined by Marc Jacobs and Lorenzo Martone, Naomi Watts, Olivia Palermo (left), Jason Pomeranc, Agyness Deyn, Tory Burch and Lyor Cohen, Donna Karan, Martha Stewart, Jay McInerney, Kimberly Guilfoyle and Eric Villency, Amy Sacco, Russell Simmons, Zani Gugelmann, Ivanka Trump, Andre Balazs, Steve and Christine Schwarzman, Ann Dexter-Jones, Ellen Barkin, Paula Froelich, Richard Johnson and Sessa von Richthofen, Larry Gagosian, Bettina Zilkha, Carson Kressley, Jennifer Creel, Valesca Guerrand-Hermes, Rachel Roy, Kelly Killoren Bensimon, Douglas Hannant, Rosanna Scotto, Heather Matarazzo, Joshua Bell, Leelee Sobieski, Jill Hennessy, Debbie Bancroft, Marina Rust Connor, Nina Griscom, Caroline Murphy, Judah Friedlander, Patrick McMullan, Liam McMullan, Mary Alice Stephenson, Dan Abrams, and Dave Zinczenko. [PMc, Wireimage, The Daily]

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 01/05/09 07:33AM

Heiress and social fixture Amanda Hearst turns 25 today. Charlie Rose is celebrating his 67th. Diane Keaton is turning 63. Fashion "expert" Steven Cojocaru is 44. Actor Robert Duvall is 78. Former Vice President Walter Mondale is 81. King Carlos of Spain is 71. Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell is turning 65. And Marilyn Manson is celebrating his 40th birthday today.

Charlie Rose Asks, Vikram Doesn't Answer

cityfile · 11/26/08 02:29PM

Charlie Rose interviewed Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit on his PBS program last night. It was Pandit's first extended TV interview, and one he clearly prepped for with the help of Citi's communications department, given his insistence on starting off every response with Charlie's name. Unfortunately, Pandit seems to have also been advised not to answer any questions and stick to canned statements instead, so poor Charlie (and the viewing audience) didn't get to find out what exactly transpired behind the scenes last weekend when Citi was rescued by Washington, or what Pandit thought of the Times' crushing account of the bank's failures last Sunday. (This also explains why Charlie looks so grumpy for most of the interview.) Points to Vikram for sitting through 54 minutes without saying anything substantial. And he did wear a nice blue suit and red tie, if that's any consolation. Video of the non-interview after the jump.

When Ben Met Charlie: A Defamer Original Fanfic

Seth Abramovitch · 11/18/08 01:28PM

We honestly wish there was some way we could dress up NBC rock star Ben Silverman's appearance on Charlie Rose last night as something more than two talking heads—albeit enviably bone-structured heads—covering the nuts and bolts of programming strategy in a 21st century, multi-platform TV jungle. Unfortunately, there isn't. So we're instead going to do the next best thing: Write some Ben on Charlie fanfic. It's after the jump!When Ben Met Charlie Chapter One: First Impressions Charlie sat in his dressing room, staring into his mirror with a paper-towel bib tucked into his shirt collar, as Joy the makeup girl dabbed concealer beneath his eyes. "No point, Joy," he said. "Couldn't hide those puffy things with cement and a trowel." "Oh Charlie," she laughed. "Don't be so hard on yourself. You're as handsome as ever." Why was he so self-conscious? He was a broadcast icon. He had interviewed heads of state, captains of industry, sports heroes and movie stars. Yet none of them disarmed him the way today's guest did—a young, handsome and charismatic network TV president whose swift rise to power he had admired from afar. A knock at the door shook Charlie back into the moment. "Come in," he said. The first thing he saw were the brows—strong and angular, and peaked towards the ends. Then he wandered slightly downward, to the nose. It was a powerful nose—a hit-sniffing nose if he had ever seen one. For a split second, he migrated up to the eyes—mesmerizing!—but quickly landed on his visitor's full, cranberry lips. They opened to speak. "Charlie—" "Ben!" Charlie said leaping up, pulling his bib out of his shirt as he threw out a hand. Ben took it in his. It felt strong, Charlie thought, and large. New, yet familiar. It was comforting. Suddenly feeling extraneous, Joy used the moment to slink out of the room. "I just wanted to say hello before the interview." "Of course, of course—please, come in. Have a—" he looked around nervously for a chair, and spotted one leaning against a shelf filled with hardcover books, most only barely thumbed through. "Have a seat! Are you a scotch man?" "Tequila, usually, but scotch will do in a pinch," Ben replied, smiling. A knock at the door alerted both men they were needed on set. Next: Chapter 2: A Game of Wits And Footsie

Memories of the Emanuel Dinner Table: "What Are You, an Idiot?"

Pareene · 11/10/08 04:24PM

Charlie Rose is just showing off. Back in June, he had all the Emanuels on! No one has done that, before, and no one will probably do it again for some time, so Charlie replayed the episode to rub it in, that he had new Obama Chief of Staff Rahm "Rahmbo" Emanuel, Hollywood super-agent Ari Emanuel, and the mysterious other one, Dr. Ezekiel "Zeke" Emanuel, the medical ethicist, all in his weird featureless void of a studio, all at once. Watch this clip and join us in the alarming conclusion that Rahm, the intense political hatchet-man, is actually the calmest Emanuel. How did Charlie Rose manage to book all the Emanuels on one show? So many have tried, but this is the only time we've ever seen it. The secret, we're told, is start with the doctor. Once Zeke, the eldest, is on board, Ari and Rahm are obligated to follow suit. And, man, family dinners with the Emanuels are clearly terrible. You never get a word in edgewise and they'll all be brawling by the end of it. Still, you ladies seem to like this Rahm, so here he is, enjoy.

Another Bad Day Ahead

cityfile · 10/24/08 04:50AM

♦ This could get messy: Asian and European markets were mauled on Friday, pointing to another monumental beating for the U.S. market today. [MW]
♦ A recap of Alan Greenspan's humiliating day in front of members of a congressional panel yesterday. [NYT, NYP]
♦ One of the very few people who is having an exceptional year: John Paulson, whose three funds are up between 15 and 25 percent. [WSJ]

Palin: Governing Alaska Just Like Waitressing

Pareene · 09/08/08 01:55PM

Hey, everyone stop complaining that Sarah Palin won't grant anyone except Uncle Charlie Gibson any interviews and therefore we have no clue if she knows anything about foreign or domestic policy besides "drilling good, wolves bad." Because you guys had your chance back when she was just a little-known governor and you wasted it! Here's a clip of Palin in the green room of Charlie Rose. She is talking about her first jobs, waitressing and babysitting, and how those are a lot like her new job, governing a couple thousand crazy Alaskans and making sure they get their welfare checks from the privatized Marxist oil scheme they're running up there. Click to watch! (Later in the interview, btw, she names her favorite authors of all time. They are Christian children's book writer C. S. Lewis and a columnist for Runners' World magazine.)

New Yorker Editor Hearts Jon Stewart

Ryan Tate · 07/17/08 06:10AM

New Yorker editor David Remnick went on the Charlie Rose last night to talk about the whole to-do over the Barack Obama caricature cover. OH GOD JUST LET IT END, right? Remnick kind of feels the same way. But he did take a fun swipe at useless Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz, and also talked about how his magazine is totally in the bag for Obama and will probably endorse him, so maybe everyone should stop hating him, a position that seems likely to cause some sort of problem for the magazine down the line. He also repeatedly lavished praise on Daily Show host (and New Yorker defender) Jon Stewart, who he called "our greatest press critic." Find out what special favor Remnick did for Stewart by clicking on the thumbnail at left for the clip, and also have fun trying to figure out if Remnick truly believes that "this [cover] image may be too complicated to work out for some people" (his words) or that such a notion is elitist, as he also seems to argue.

Is Conde Nast Trying To Buy Rolling Stone?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/08 09:50AM

FOLIO magazine spotted a juicy bit at the very end of a Charlie Rose interview earlier this week with Vanity Fair chief Graydon Carter and Rolling Stone editor Jann Wenner. Rose casually asks, "What's this story that Conde Nast wants to buy Rolling Stone?" That triggers a look of sheer terror on Graydon Carter's face, and a great deal of forced laughter and jabbering between the guests. We think we can hear Graydon saying, "We'll see." What it does not trigger is a denial. RS would certainly be a decent pickup for Conde Nast, but what the hell would Jann Wenner do with himself if he sold out? (Then again, Jeff Bercovici thinks Wenner's company is in a permanent decline, and he should cash out). Click to watch the clip, and parse the reactions carefully. [If you have any further info, email us.]

Graydon Carter: "I'm Such A Pussy."

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/08 02:53PM

The last time Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter ever met with Gonzo god Hunter S. Thompson, the drug-vacuuming writer was sitting in a hotel one morning with "a tumbler of scotch, a bowl of cocaine, and some cereal." He asked Graydon what he would like. So did the patrician editor hoover up some massive lines or what? Well, he prefaces his answer by telling Charlie Rose, "I'm such a pussy." Sigh. Click to watch the tale of Gonzo vs. Non-Gonzo in action

Charlie Rose on Charlie Rose on the Internet, by Samuel Beckett

Nicholas Carlson · 04/21/08 03:00PM

Over the years, Charlie Rose has hosted Silicon Valley titans like Wired editor Chris Anderson, founder Jeff Bezos, and Google cofounder Sergey Brin on his late-night public television interview show. When Facebook launched its Beacon advertising program in New York, Rose played master of ceremonies. But not until now, with the discovery of this clip titled "'Charlie Rose' by Samuel Beckett," has Rose effectively explicated the industry.

"Charlie Rose" by Samuel Beckett

Nick Douglas · 04/21/08 12:06PM

Slightly creepier than Charlie Rose talking to someone else, it's Charlie Rose talking to Charlie Rose [who, my editor wants me to remind you, is a PBS talk show host]. Filmmaker Andrew Filippone Jr.'s debut YouTube video got on today's Very Short List and now it's appearing on every blog ever. It deserves this attention, since it is the dark cousin of "Pretty Much Everywhere, It's Gonna Be Hot."