
Cuba Welcomes You, Yankee Imperialists!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/15 08:51AM

"Each person should feel happy at work. They should feel happy with their task as creators. They should instill all those around them with their revolutionary and creative enthusiasm." — Che Guevara.

Mussolini Available For T-Shirt Appearances

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/10 04:32PM

Today's most provocative message wheat-pasted onto a Manhattan building: why does Che get all the good endorsements? Mussolini just needs a better graphic designer. This is 100% true. Kids don't know who either of them are. Click to enlarge. [Copyranter]

St. Petersburg's Cosmic Cock of War

Richard Lawson · 06/16/10 10:47AM

In the wee hours of Monday morning, some Russian revolutionaries sneaked onto a drawbridge and spray-painted the Cosmic Cock, in honor of Che Guevara's bday. When the drawbridge raised at 1:40 am, there the unit was, pointing into the sky.

Che For Sale

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/08 12:03PM

Two of the revolutionary hero (to some) Che Guevara's kids said this week that they've had enough of their dad being used as a branding icon for advertisers of all stripes. "The appropriation of the figure of Che that has been used to make enemies from different classes" is "embarrassing," said one of his daughters. That's true. But Che's image today is largely made up of consumer products, that people buy in solidarity with a complicated man whose popular representation is—to say the least—highly simplified. Below, ten of the most important Che items that any dedicated revolutionary should own. Get em before they're outlawed.

Steven Soderbergh and Benicio Del Toro Cancel Cannes Reservations as Che Biopics Miss Deadline

STV · 04/18/08 03:00PM

In other Cannes program news from Todd McCarthy's Variety survey this morning, Steven Soderbergh and Benicio Del Toro's Che Guevara biopic two-fer The Argentine and Guerilla will apparently join Sex and the City among the year's notable omissions. It's a bit of a surprise considering Soderbergh's lightning-fast methodology and Focus Features' high expectations for early awards momentum (the Universal subsidiary is holding the Coens' Burn After Reading until September as well); also, as we hear from McCarthy after the jump, at least one of the films is ready to go: