
The Shady Mainstream Media Payday of Flight 253 Hero Jasper Schuringa

Foster Kamer · 12/27/09 03:00PM

Jasper Schuringa probably didn't think twice before dismantling Northwest Airlines Flight 253's would-be bomber. But before telling his story, he wanted money, and he got it. From major news outlets who pay up and lie about it. Here's the proof:

Cops Who Leaked Rihanna Pic: Caught?

Ryan Tate · 09/11/09 08:04PM

Los Angeles police have been trying to hunt down the cops who gave TMZ that awful picture of a battered Rihanna — and they may have just caught them.

$7.50 For Every 1,000 Views

Nick Denton · 02/15/08 01:51PM

The Star's Candace Trunzo cheerfully admits that the gossip weekly pays for tips. "I make no qualms about it," says the rag's editor-in-chief. "I think all the celebrity magazines do it." Well, in that case... Star magazine promises $100 on up for useful information phoned into their 800 number, though the exact rate is subject to negotiation; Gawker's pay-for-play experiment is more high-tech. Send us secret memos (like this), revealing photographs (like this), or unique video footage (like this). For every contribution we run, and which isn't shot down as a fake, we'll pay our standard rate: $7.50 per thousand pageviews. Payment by Paypal or Amazon gift certificate. The traffic count is displayed next to every item. The offer runs for the rest of February. Leaks to (Outraged j-school ethics guardians can email me personally.)

The Paris Hilton Post-Jail Interview

Doree Shafrir · 06/22/07 04:40PM

Having trouble keeping up with the Paris Hilton media circus? You're not alone. It's hard, what with all the back and forth: she's being interviewed by Barbara Walters! No, wait, she's being interviewed by Meredith Vieira! NBC is paying her $1 million to be interviewed! No one pays for interviews! NBC never had a deal with Paris! The Post is reporting that People will pay Paris in the neighborhood of $300,000 for "exclusive" photos! People doesn't pay for interviews, but if Paris just happens to do an interview before, during, or after her photo shoot, well, you know... Basically, this has turned into one great big media crazystorm, which is just how Paris (and her slick spokesman, Mike Sitrick—you remember him from his work with Ron Burkle!) seem to like it.