
Report: Yes, You Are Guilty of Child Abuse

Hamilton Nolan · 07/31/12 09:20AM

Guilt: are you carrying enough of it? Likely not. Do you even care about your children? You don't, do you? Don't lie—that's another thing to feel guilty about A new report has finally pinpointed exactly how much abuse you—whether through negligence, malice, or just some other vague action you didn't even think twice about—have inflicted on your poor, innocent children: a lot, probably.

Penn State Report Summary: Everyone Pretending They Didn't Know Actually Knew

Caity Weaver · 07/12/12 09:36AM

If you don't have time to review the full 267-page internal investigation of the Penn State scandal, here's the gist: Everyone knew. Former Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno knew. Former Penn State University president Graham Spanier knew. Former Penn State University vice president Gary Schultz knew. Penn State Athletic Director (currently on leave) Tim Curley knew. Everyone knew. As far back as 1998, when they learned of a criminal investigation of Sandusky related to an instance of suspected sexual misconduct with a boy in a PSU football locker room shower.

Father Bites Off 6-Year-Old Son's Penis

Maureen O'Connor · 03/08/12 12:46PM

A 6-year-old boy was walking down the street with his father and sister in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, when the father allegedly asked the boy to bite his penis. The boy refused. All three people were naked, the Shanghai Daily reports, and upon the boy's refusal to bite his father's penis, the father bit off his son's: