
Mama June and Daughter Can't Keep Molester Visitation Story Straight

Rich Juzwiak · 11/17/14 12:44PM

On Monday's episode of Dr. Phil, the talk doc grilled "Mama" June Shannon about her relationship with registered sex offender Mark McDaniel, who molested June's daughter Anna Cardwell. Regarding the public knowledge of her relationship with McDaniel, which led to the cancellation of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, June said, "There's some truths and there's some lies that's out there, and there's the truth between that." She then danced all over the margins she set without ever leaving her seat.

Mama June's Daughter: My Sister Thinks My Molester Is Her Dad

Allie Jones · 11/11/14 08:33AM

In another twist to the depressing Honey Boo Boo molestation saga, Mama June's 20-year-old daughter Anna Cardwell revealed to Dr. Drew last night that Mama's younger daughter Pumpkin believes Mark McDaniel is her father. McDaniel molested Anna when she was eight, and Pumpkin witnessed it, according to court docs.

Uncle Claims Honey Boo Boo Shared a Bed With Mama June and Molester

Allie Jones · 11/05/14 08:34AM

While Honey Boo Boo mom Mama June Shannon has denied that she's dating the man who reportedly molested her then-eight-year-old daughter Anna Cardwell in 2002, new photos show she went on vacation with Mark McDaniel in September. Lee "Uncle Poodle" Thompson, uncle to Mama June's nine-year-old daughter Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson, also went on the vacation and has published the photos in the National Enquirer.

Mama June's 3-Year-Old Forced to Watch Sister Get Molested: Indictment

Allie Jones · 10/29/14 01:02PM

According to Spalding County Superior Court documents obtained by Radar, Honey Boo Boo mom Mama June Shannon has two daughters who were traumatized by her child molester boyfriend, Mark McDaniel. The documents reveal that at least once during 2002, Mama June's then-three-year-old daughter Lauryn "Pumpkin" Shannon was in the bed while McDaniel molested her then-eight-year-old sister Anna Cardwell.

Mama June's Daughter: Mama Is "Happy" to Be Back With My Molester

Allie Jones · 10/29/14 12:53PM

The Honey Boo Boo saga just keeps getting sadder. In a new interview with Entertainment Tonight that will air Thursday, Mama June's daughter Anna Cardwell speaks out about her mother's rekindled relationship with the man who molested her when she was eight years old. Anna says Mama June is "happy" to be back with Mark McDaniel. "She's smiling and giggling when he's around," she says.

Horrifying Report Details Crimes of Mama June's Molester Boyfriend

Allie Jones · 10/28/14 12:25PM

Radar Online has obtained the police report detailing the charges against Mark McDaniel—the convicted child molester who was recently reunited with Honey Boo Boo matriarch Mama June after spending a decade in jail for molesting her then-eight-year-old daughter Anna Cardwell. It's horrifying.

Born This Way: Sympathy and Science for Those Who Want to Have Sex with Children

Cord Jefferson · 09/07/12 09:30AM

It's not easy to listen to Terry talk about the time he had sex with a seven-year-old girl. But after his psychotherapist put us in touch, he agreed to lay it all out for me during a phone call and email, and I was enthralled the way one might stare at a man falling from a bridge. Terry is 38, a small-business owner, and deeply religious—he ends all our correspondence by saying, "Blessings to you, Cord"—but back then when it happened Terry was 20 and a meth head. He was living with his then-wife, his marriage to whom had made him the co-guardian of her two nieces and a nephew. The one niece was a baby, but the other was seven, and it wasn't long before Terry, addicted and in a marriage he calls "abusive," fell for his niece and began a sexual relationship with her.