
How I Identify Is Not Your Choice

Sultana Khan · 11/10/15 01:52PM

In April, several months before Rachel Dolezal became head jester of racial appropriation court, Rush Limbaugh called celebrated black image activist and feminist Michaela Angela Davis, “a mixed-race little orphan Annie.” The statement was shockingly ugly, a blatant reminder from the court’s self-appointed king that, even in 2015, the intermingling of races would not to be tolerated. Davis, who does not identify as mixed race, would never be allowed to determine her own identity. Last week, upon publishing a piece in the Washington Post titled, “The day my daughter realized she isn’t white,” Lisa Papademetriou unwittingly stumbled into place beside Limbaugh and was coronated queen.

Adult Lawmaker Ruins Children's Bill Submission With Anti-Abortion Joke

Andy Cush · 03/20/15 09:51AM

A group of New Hampshire fourth-graders who traveled to the state's capital in Concord to learn about the joys of civic engagement were given a surprisingly realistic picture of the American legislative process after one lawmaker used their bill—a proposal to name the red-tailed hawk the official state raptor—as an opportunity to rail against the evils of abortion.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/17/14 04:09PM

Talking to children about god exposes some serious flaws in credibility: "He could just make the earth collapse," says one child; "When he gets happy, he brings out the sun," says another. These kids are all over the fucking map.

What I Learned From My Mother's Education

Anupa Mistry · 09/06/14 01:44PM

There's a story involving my mother and a pink snowsuit that surfaces every time I'm on the precipice of dropping serious dough on an ostentatious piece of clothing. It goes like this: One day when I was seven, Mom and I were trawling Sears when I stumbled upon the perfect pink snowsuit. I don't remember what was so amazing about it except that its bright magenta was identical to the shade in the 64-colour box of Crayola crayons. I had to have it.

Peggy Noonan Is a Normal American

Hamilton Nolan · 07/11/14 09:05AM

Peggy Noonan. An American. A normal American, breathing, watching, reading. Wandering, around her country. A watchful sentinel, proud and drunk. Must she feel shame, for being afraid of the young foreigners, infiltrating? Nay.

Infant Abandoned on Columbus Circle Subway Platform

Aleksander Chan · 07/07/14 05:47PM

A seven-month-old girl was apparently abandoned Monday on a subway platform at Columbus Circle. Witnesses claim seeing a woman walk the child in its stroller off a northbound 1 train, leave the stroller and the child on the platform, and then turn around and get back on the train.

Texas Parents Angered by Fourth-Graders' Bizarre Adult-Themed Homework

Adam Weinstein · 04/17/14 01:07PM

The parents of El Paso elementary schoolers are still trying to figure out why their kids got a strange take-home assignment that involved reading several bleak passages in which a child possibly gets abused, a wife discovers her husband is cheating, and a mother learns of her son's death at war.

In Obama's America, Women Finally Stop Aborting Their Babies

Ken Layne · 02/03/14 12:38PM

Good news for fetuses: the rate of U.S. abortions have hit a new low under President Obama. Not since the legalization of abortion during the Nixon Administration in 1973 has the abortion rate been so low, at just 16.9 abortions per 1,000 pregnancies.