
"The ultimate luxury is meaning and ..." chocolate?

Owen Thomas · 12/12/07 04:20PM

When Paul Boutin noted Wired founder Louis Rossetto's new job as a chocolatier earlier today, I shook my head. Not because I thought it was a bad career move, but because I suspect most Valleywag readers have no idea who Louis Rossetto is. Or perhaps even what Wired is. (Boutin and I can't forget: We met each other while working there.) True story: At a party earlier this year, I watched as a startup founder told Wired publisher Drew Schutte that he'd never heard of the magazine before it bought Reddit.

Louis Rossetto, has-bean

Paul Boutin · 12/12/07 03:00PM

I don't get why the founder of Wired magazine, which changed so many of our lives, is making boutique chocolate. There's something Onion-esque about the New York Times' deadpan report on Rossetto's "rethinking of the chocolate lexicon." Wired remade "geek" from a pejorative term to one women now use to boost their sex appeal. After Wired, I'd expected to see the messianic Rossetto — really, the guy has a way with converting people — launch a Tesla Motors or a super-Webby O'Reilly competitor. Instead, he's offering me dessert. I'm sure it's yummy, Louis, but it leaves me hungry for more.