
Guest troll: Stick a Vic in it, it's done

Nick Douglas · 06/29/06 01:03PM

The defection of Microsoft's platform evangelist Vic Gundotra to Google, days after MS's Google assassin Martin Taylor slunk off, is more than a bad sign. According to Microsoft troll Chris Coulter, it's — well, picture a comically large stack of soup cans in a Disney movie. Now pull one can from the bottom layer. Chris plays war correspondent in this speed-and-liquor-fueled totally sober doomsaying guest post.

Where are the baiters?

Nick Douglas · 05/26/06 03:15PM

As the Register's Andrew Orlowski flies back to England, it's time to check up on the other trolls of tech — the real journalists, fake journalists, and — ugh — bloggers.

Chris Coulter's Demo 2006 report

ndouglas · 02/08/06 11:24AM

The bloggers at Demo 2006 are all guzzling the new-product Kool-Aid. But un-blogger Chris Coulter has this habit of sending kick-ass, monomaniacal e-mails to just a handful of people. Why he's not monetizing his own eyeballs or cross-platforming his paradigm shift, I don't know, but the man deserves to be read. So here is the antidote to all the gushing product reports.