
Taylor Berman · 05/02/13 10:18PM

Either a friend (if you trust CNN) of Kris Kross' Chris Kelly or Kelly's mother (if you trust TMZ) told investigators the rapper had used heroin and cocaine the night before he was found dead in his Atlanta home.

To save "the children," Facebook tries press releases

Melissa Gira Grant · 05/08/08 02:00PM

At the direction of 49 state attorneys general, Facebook has adopted even more provisions to restrict interactions between adults and teenagers. Along the changes are automatic reviews of any age-changes made to underage user profiles, and the deletion of links to "pornographic materials." Even though most young people approached for sex by adults on social networks are already onto their date-of-birth deception, Chief Privacy Officer Chris Kelly's pledge to make Facebook safer for The Children makes for a good press op. Will the new rules make any difference, and how are they going to be implemented? We've asked Facebook how many engineers report to Kelly, but until they get back to us, it's safe to guess exactly none.

Nicholas Carlson · 02/18/08 06:20PM

Facebook now allows users to delete their data entirely from the site when they quit. Even from Facebook's internal servers, according to Chris Kelly, Facebook's chief privacy officer. But the dearly departed shall forever remain in our memories. [New York Times]

Facebook privacy mouthpiece dodges tough questions with conviction

Nicholas Carlson · 11/15/07 01:00PM

Ready for details on what Facebook is doing to prevent its employees from abusing access to user information? Too bad. All that Facebook blogger Nick O'Neill got out of Chris Kelly, chief privacy mouthpiece for Facebook, was that, "Facebook takes privacy very seriously." O'Neill buys it, citing Kelly's conviction. We don't. We already know it's in Facebook's interest to tell press it takes privacy seriously. And we're still hearing too many sources tell us Facebook employees abuse their privileges. And there's one case in particular where Facebook's lack of action speaks louder than Kelly's words.

Yahoo and Facebook execs chat it up

Nick Douglas · 05/22/06 05:41PM

Futurist Esther Dyson catches Yahoo senior veep Toby Coppel chatting with Facebook veep and general counsel Chris Kelly. "What are they cooking up now," she asks. Oh Esther, you mischevious darling, why must you tease us so?