Rick Warren Is Selling a Diet Book Because, I Dunno, Jesus?
Hamilton Nolan · 12/02/13 12:50PMBus Driver Fired After Forcing Prayer on Students
Lacey Donohue · 11/06/13 11:40PM
A school bus driver in Minnesota was fired last week after leading kids in Christian prayers while driving. George Nathaniel, 49, a bus driver for the Burnsville School District had already been reassigned and given a warning due to his repeated praying, but that didn’t stop him from continuing to exercise what he believes is his “freedom of speech.”
Who Really Believes Syria Is Part of a Biblical End Times Prophecy?
Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/13 08:38AMPublic University Tries to Create a Christian Dorm
Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/13 12:04PMChristians Beat the Shit Out of Each Other for Jesus in Fight Church
Rich Juzwiak · 06/18/12 10:20AMBritish Government Argues That Christians Have No Legal Right to Wear Crosses at Work
Caity Weaver · 03/15/12 06:44PMPat Robertson: Legalize Marijuana
Maureen O'Connor · 03/08/12 11:11AM
Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcast Network star and host of "The 700 Club," to the New York Times: "I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol. I've never used marijuana and I don't intend to, but it's just one of those things that I think: this war on drugs just hasn't succeeded." Free the Virgin Mary Jane.
Christian College Full of Lice
Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/12 10:30AMTeacher's Been Masturbating Behind the Podium This Whole Time
Hamilton Nolan · 11/16/11 10:11AMReport: Religious People Have Acquired a Sense of Humor
Hamilton Nolan · 10/13/11 12:29PMAlabama Town Offers 'Church Or Jail' Sentencing Choice
TPM · 09/26/11 01:34PMBoy Under Water for 20 Minutes Is Now Completely Fine
Brian Moylan · 08/10/11 11:12AMRick Perry Teams Up With Jesus to Bring America Jobs
Max Read · 08/06/11 04:01PMEither Jesus or the Star of Your Nightmares Appears on Receipt
Lauri Apple · 07/16/11 12:37PMThe Real Housewives of the Bible Actually Exists
Brian Moylan · 07/12/11 12:57PMIf you thought you were annoyed by Bravo's endless cavalcade of big haired, bigger-titted, biggest mouthed ladies of the various Real Housewives franchises, just wait until you meet the Real Housewives of the Bible.
Courageous: Let's Hear It For the Christian Boys
Richard Lawson · 06/29/11 02:48PMTexas Governor's Tent Revival to Save America with Prayer
Maureen O'Connor · 06/29/11 01:33PMUnmarried, Unemployed Evangelical Pastors Cry Out Against 'Singlism'
Richard Lawson · 03/22/11 08:57AM
In this troubled economy, many people are having a hard time getting a job. Though, most of those people probably aren't denied opportunities because of their marital status. Not so for Evangelical Christian clergy folk, some of whom are now speaking out about "singlism," job hiring discrimination against lonely single ministers.