
Google copied Apple Web browser's bug, too

Nicholas Carlson · 09/03/08 11:00AM

Security researcher Aviv Raff says Google's new browser Chrome exposes users "malicious hacker attacks," because it allows users to launch executable files directly from the browser and without warning. Raff created a harmless demonstration to show how with successful bait, Google Chrome users could accidentally download and launch a Java archive file that goes on to execute without warning. Security experts call this trick "carpet-bombing." ZDNet's Ryan Narraine says the flaw exists because Google Chrome is actually built from the same software as Apple's Safari 3.1, which had the same vulnerability until Apple issued Safari version 3.1.2.

Google cofounder on no Chrome for Macs: "It's embarrassing"

Nicholas Carlson · 09/03/08 10:20AM

After this press conference to announce Google's new Web browser, Chrome, Google cofounder Sergey Brin asked BoomTown's Kara Swisher if she'd try it out. "But you don't have a Mac version, baby, so no," Swisher tells him in this clip, excerpted from Swisher's longer interview. "I know, I know, it's embarrassing," says Brin. "When is that coming out?" Swisher asks. Brin, perhaps regretting taking questions from such a mean lesbian, looks over his shoulder for PR help. He says: "Um, I don't have a date for you. I'm going to have to get back to you. I'm asking every day. I hope it'll be a matter of months."

Google's Chrome dream — a mainframe-era computing monopoly

Jackson West · 09/03/08 05:00AM

"I think operating systems are kind of an old way to think of the world," Google cofounder Sergey Brin told a klatsch of reporters after the Mountain View ad agency's song-and-dance routine to announce its new browser, Chrome. Brin is a little older than me, which I find surprising — not because I'm so old, but because even I remember the days before there really was a personal computer on every desk (and on every lap, and in every pocket). What was there?