
Natalie Portman Is a Great Big Shining Star

Richard Lawson · 12/13/10 12:25PM

Like so much else this weekend, the box office was a complete disaster! Everything was ruined, including a beloved franchise and the careers of two beloved actors. All is rot and ash now, so let's sift through it.

What's Opening in Theaters Today

Richard Lawson · 12/10/10 06:10PM

Friday is here once again, which means movies are opening! Let's see what's debuting in theaters today. We've got boxers and monologers, Dawn Treaders and tourists, and the triumphant return of Mena Suvari and Matthew Modine!

New Poll Suggests 'Sex' More Appealing To May Moviegoers Than Superheroes And Fast Cars

Molly Friedman · 05/01/08 11:25AM

Happy May Day. Why? Aside from May flowers, this month will finally bring some answers regarding all those conflicting box office predictions made in the trades weeks ago: will the upcoming back-to-back openings of Iron Man, Speed Racer, Prince Caspian and Indy 4 crush recession worries as Variety predicted? Or is the 19% decline in spring grosses only going to continue, as THR suggested mid-April? Well, the folks at Moviefone have provided us with a bit of guidance in the form of a poll measuring audience anticipation. And despite early rave reviews for Downey Jr.'s performance in Iron Man, the scores of kids aching for more Narnia adventures and testosterone-invigorating posters for Indy 4, it seems the majority of audience-goers only want to talk about Sex, baby.