
The Republican Party Is a Trick 

Hamilton Nolan · 12/30/15 03:27PM

Though we wish it were not so, America has a two-party political system. Both parties share many of the same bad qualities. But one is unique, in that it is a machine made of fraud.

Don't Settle For Speeches: Fix the Racial Wealth Gap 

Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/15 10:37AM

Political arguments over the impact of racism in America can often devolve into a stalemate of feelings. Here is one very concrete way to measure what racism has done—and is doing—to our country.

America, the Cesspool of the Developed World

Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/15 10:00AM

America! The greatest country in the world—where our robust free market system ensures that our economic growth is the envy of all lesser nations! Right?

There Are Only Two Issues 

Hamilton Nolan · 11/30/15 01:35PM

During this election season, you will hear candidates argue about lots of things. Only two things are really important.

Government Redistribution of Wealth Works Great

Hamilton Nolan · 10/23/15 10:45AM

Amid all of the loud political arguments about taxes, inequality, and the size of government, it is important to keep in mind this overarching fact: having our government push wealth from the rich to the poor is a very good idea.