
Alec Baldwin Solemnly Swears to Quit Twitter and Acting Forever

Maggie Lange · 07/03/13 12:21PM

Alec Baldwin is cranky. Alec Baldwin doesn't know "what the young people listen to," and Alec Baldwin definitely doesn't want his unborn child's future best friend Susie to recognize him on the tellyvision. So Alec Baldwin is quitting Twitter and (threatening) to quit acting forever.

How to Drink Like a Gentleman: The Things to Do and the Things Not To, as Learned in 30 Years' Extensive Research

H.L. Mencken · 03/29/13 05:30PM

If the moral theologians in practice among us were engined by anything properly describable as apostolic zeal, they would be giving over a large part of their time, in these apocalyptic days, to teaching their catechumens how to drink. For it must be manifest that some such teaching is sorely needed in this great republic. Drinking with skill and taste is no more a natural art than love; either it must be learned by the onerous process of trial and error, or it must be taught. Plainly enough, the latter way is the better; but so far there is no sign that the guides appointed for gropers are ready to take it.

One More Thing: Our Favorite Villains

ian spiegelman · 08/09/08 06:58PM

Really, what is a movie or a TV show without a bad guy or bad girl to hate and admire at the same time? Not much, says I. So, let's share our most beloved baddies this evening, shall we? You know, all those great characters that you just want to see die in pain and ill-repute, but you still have to admire them in some awful way. I'll get us started with a true total bastard.

One More Thing: Greatest Summer Movies of the 70s

ian spiegelman · 06/22/08 05:36PM

Well, if you played or payed attention to last night's installment of OMT, you knew this was coming. What are the most awesome movies of the 1970s that take place in, came out in, or just make you think of the summer? I'll get the world's first-ever summer blockbuster out of the way with its amazing original theatrical trailer.

One More Thing

ian spiegelman · 05/18/08 04:37PM

I love watching old TV commercials because they remind me of Saturday mornings and of a civilized age when you had four channels and when the cartoons told you they'd be right back after these messages, you believed them and you watched the messages because they were fun and if you watched them the cartoons really would be right back and you'd be so happy to see them! So... Ten minutes of 80s commercials after the jump.

New Optimum Online Ad Trades Reggaeton For Suburban R&B!

Hamilton Nolan · 05/05/08 04:01PM

Optimum Online commercials: they are now their own genre. A specific category at the Grammy Awards, a spot in the Olympic Games, and a bust on Mount Rushmore are reserved specifically for the psychedelic, grating ads that this strange company produces. The original "Reggaeton-Jet Ski-Lifeguard" spot was an over-the-top classic after only 17,000 exposures per person in the Tristate area; the follow up spot, all shiny, kinetic, and Hype Williams-esque, expanded the motif. Now there's a new one in circulation, and it shifts the setting to suburbia, with a sort of knockoff Gwen Stefani character whirling through a household with backup dancers, and the odd appearance of an old lady who is also a race car driver. Philosophers, break out your thinking caps. The full ad is after the jump.

"Don't Sun Starve Your Baby!"

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/08 11:21AM

In today's installment of our review of the world's most amusing vintage ads, we take a look at General Electric's magazine ads from the 1930s and 40s. When they weren't building US bombs to help the war effort, they had a mess of lamps, refrigerators, and radios to sell to housewives and their all-American families in shudder-worthy ways. Boris Karloff, scary children, patriotic dishwashing, and the perfect Mother's Day gift, after the jump.

Classic Chap Stick Ads: Mesmerizing

Hamilton Nolan · 03/12/08 01:57PM

The Gallery of Graphic Design has a huge archive of classic ads [via MetaFilter], which illustrates quite clearly how much better things were in the old days. We plan to bring you the best of this fabulous resource, for the twin purposes of education and entertainment. Their overall weirdness is just an added bonus. Today, the best work of the Chap Stick Co. from the 1940s: "Refuse all substitutes." Especially when it comes to "Man's Cream!"