
The Persistent Failure of Steven Brill

Hamilton Nolan · 06/23/09 10:06AM

Steven Brill has a reputation for being a media wise man—a deep-thinking mogul who's always spotting the opportunities of The Future. Which is kind of strange, since the majority of his projects have been ostentatious failures.

Clear Shuts Down Its Lanes

cityfile · 06/23/09 07:07AM

Airport snobs have been dealt a heavy blow today. Clear, the Steve Brill-founded company that charged travelers up to $199 a year to zip past long security lines, ceased operations last night. Per the notice posted to the company website: "Clear's parent company, Verified Identity Pass, Inc. has been unable to negotiate an agreement with its senior creditor to continue operations." [Wired]

Steve Brill's leaky airport-security startup raises $44 million

Jackson West · 08/20/08 05:20PM

Verified Identity Pass, the company behind the Clear fast-pass program for security check lines at airports, has raised a $44.4 million round of investment lead by Spark Capital. More good news for founder Stephen Brill? VIP has been allowed to resume signing up new customers by the Transportation Security Administration after briefly losing a laptop with substantial amounts customer information. (Photo by AP/Richard Drew)

Clear exposes customer passport numbers in SFO security breach

Jackson West · 08/05/08 05:00PM

A laptop with personal information including drivers license and passport numbers of up to 33,000 customers in the Clear airport security-pass program was discovered missing from a locked room at San Francisco International Airport. It has since mysteriously been returned, and there's no word of any security breach as of yet. Still, the laptop's data was apparently unencrypted, though Steven Brill, CEO of Verified Identity Pass, the company which runs the Clear program, said the personal information was behind "two levels of password protection."

Security Clearly Breached

cityfile · 08/05/08 12:41PM

Oh no! A laptop belonging to an employee of Clear—that would be Steve Brill's VIP airport security company—went missing at San Francisco International and now the names, addresses, and drivers license numbers of as many as 33,000 Clear customers could be compromised! The TSA has suspended the company from enrolling any new passengers until the situation is resolved, but we eagerly await in-depth coverage from Brill's news-breaking daughter at EssentiallyEmily! [AP]