Good News For Bored People! Climate Change Promises Nonstop Excitement
Ken Layne · 11/12/13 05:06PM
If you love excitement, you're going to love these last years of your life. Civil war, food riots, monster storms and a lot more apocalyptic religious extremism will spice up even the dullest and most comfortable existence, according to a new United Nations report on the now-constant insanity we boringly call "climate change." But even the weather seems to be capitalist, because the demons of global warming most enjoy hurting the poor.
Monster Typhoon Among History's Largest, Strongest Storms Ever
Ken Layne · 11/07/13 04:01PM
The monstrous storm seen in this new satellite image is the biggest of the year and one of the most powerful tropical cyclones of all time. "Super typhoon" Haiyan is currently thrashing the entirety of the Philippines with sustained winds of 190 mph and gusts up to 230 mph, and then it's headed for Vietnam. It's such a wildly dangerous storm that it's even terrifying the weather forecasters.
Mysterious Mass Moose Deaths Strike North America
Sarah Hedgecock · 10/15/13 02:20PMIs Environmentalism a Religion? Sure, Why Not!
Ken Layne · 10/11/13 10:15AM
If the grim news about our slow-cooking world has got you down, you might be an environmentalist. Recycling bins, hiking boots, and that reusable grocery bag you got at the farmer's market are other signs that you may have ecological beliefs and concerns. To the industrial propagandists, even your awareness of the hotter temperatures and horrific storms is proof that your green behavior is actually a religion. So what would happen if 10 million or 50 million religious environmentalists suddenly appeared on the national scene?
"Oilfield Trash" and a Boom That Won't Last
Ken Layne · 10/08/13 11:18AM
People are strangers out here on the oil patch, and public conversation is terse and muted. You never know when an oil company manager or safety inspector or corporate spy is sniffing around. I learned after the first day in Williston, N.D., that my usual work uniform of an old sports coat and tie made me suspect. Leaving the tie at the motel helped, but not much.
Get Ready for More Blackouts
Hamilton Nolan · 08/13/13 08:57AMLobsters Are Now Ruthless, Cannibal Savages
Maggie Lange · 07/25/13 08:29AMCNN Anchor Tries Very Hard Not to Say ‘Dildo’, Says It Anyway
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/23/13 05:30PMWhile speaking with a guest on the subject of climate change, CNN International anchor Jonathan Mann got a bit hot and bothered himself.
Why Did Obama Make Those Tornadoes? Ask the Tornado Truthers!
Ken Layne · 05/21/13 01:24PMThis Is What Boston Will Look Like if We Don't Cut Carbon Emissions
Max Read · 04/11/13 10:02AM
What will Boston look like a few hundred years from now? It will look like... water, probably. Inspired by The New York Times' "What Could Disappear," photoillustrator Nickolay Lamm has put together some amazing images of American cities as they might appear in coming centuries, depending on how much humanity manages to reduce its carbon footprint. Above, Boston's Back Bay under 25 feet of water—a worst-case scenario for the year 2300, if no pollution controls are instituted.
Gee, It's Been Toastier Than Ever This Year
Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/12 09:51AM
With just a couple weeks left in December, it's looking like 2012 is going to go down as the hottest year on record here in New York City (average temperature 57.2 degrees—balmy!). Coincidentally, it looks like 2012 will also be the hottest year on record in Dallas. And in Houston, and in the rest of Texas. And in Detroit. And in Cleveland. And in Missouri. And, fuck it, in the entire United States of America.
Poll: Even Idiots Believe in Global Warming Now
Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/12 10:48AM
Global warming (or "climate change"), the well-documented rise in our planet's temperatures due to the heat-trapping effects of carbon dioxide, is a completely accepted phenomenon among people who—due to their fundamental rationality and common sense—are not idiots. But among our nation's idiots, it has always been a controversial idea. No longer.
The End of Winter, and Other Horrifying New Global Warming Projections
Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/12 02:23PM
It only took a handful of freak killer storms devastating our economic and cultural capitals for Americans to get real about the perils of global warming. You know who is the most interested in figuring out exactly how bad global warming will be? The people with all the money, who have the most to lose. That is a good reason to tremble in fear at this new World Bank forecast.
This Guy Is The Reason Hurricane Sandy's Wikipedia Page Didn't Mention Climate Change Until Today
Adrian Chen · 11/02/12 03:41PMThe Storms Are Killing Us More Than the Terrorists Are Killing Us
Cord Jefferson · 11/02/12 12:04PM
This frivolous weather thing the hippies keep harping about just devastated the biggest, most densely populated, city in the country. The city that never sleeps shut down completely. The structural damage and loss in revenue are unprecedented. Even before Sandy, our weather-related fatalities far exceed the Americans who've died from terrorist attacks. Since September 11, 2001 there have been roughly 30 Americans killed by terrorism (depending on how you do the numbers). Meanwhile, extreme weather deaths in the same time period have totaled 6,408 as of 2011, according to the National Weather Service.
NOAA: July Was Hottest Month on Record
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/08/12 11:45AMStephen Colbert Isn't a Fan of North Carolina's Climate Change Truth Smudging
Matt Toder · 06/04/12 11:15PMWhen a climate change study forecasted an unpleasant result in terms of rising sea levels, North Carolina decided to outlaw the result. Tonight's Colbert Report showed that Stephen Colbert is not a fan of such practices.