
Is Paul Ryan Lying About Climbing 40 Mountains, Too? What Is His Deal?

Max Read · 09/05/12 04:50PM

What is wrong with fitness infomercial "after" model Paul Ryan? Not only did the Republican vice presidential candidate claim to have a run a marathon in less than three hours — a lie for which he got busted, and bodied, by Runner's World — he's also claimed to have "made close to 40 climbs of Colorado's 'Fourteeners' (14,000-foot peaks)." Which he almost certainly hasn't. (Or maybe? See update.)

Baby Tortoises Climb Rock Wall

Christopher Han · 12/29/10 11:45AM

Did you know that baby tortoises climb rock walls? Have you ever seen so many baby tortoises together? Here they are, in a tank at a pet store.

Is Antenna Climbing The Scariest Job Ever?

Richard Lawson · 09/15/10 12:13PM

Observe a pair of workmen climbing a 1768 ft. broadcasting tower to do repairs. Note that they do it all free-climbing style, without safety ropes or anything. Look alive, coal mining. You have a competitor in the Terrifying Jobs Contest.

French 'Spiderman' Climbs Sydney Skyscraper

Jeff Neumann · 08/30/10 05:44AM

French "Spiderman" Alain Robert was arrested today for scaling a 57-story building in Australia. Robert's agent, who just happened to be on hand, said he was "shocked," and had absolutely no clue it was going to happen.