
Goodbye, Lockhart Steele

abalk · 06/29/07 09:16AM

It's a terrifically sad day here on Crosby Street. Lockhart Steele, managing editor of Gawker Media, the boss of us all and publisher Nick Denton's right-hand man, is stepping down. Today's the last full day in the office for Phish's biggest fan, and if history is any indication he'll show up some time around eleven, bleary-eyed and wearing something paisley. Lockhart's been a friend, a mentor, and a teacher to so many of us in this company—even, maybe particularly, to those that he's had to "let go"—and we're sorry to see him leave for the bright lights of his adorable little Curbed media empire. What we admire most about Lockhart is his calm, tempered management style. He's efficient and direct. Here are some of our favorite directives.