
Code Pink Finds a Friend in Reverend Billy

cityfile · 04/15/09 02:37PM

The ladies of Code Pink—you remember them, don't you?—protested outside the offices of AIG today. The turnout wasn't anything to brag out, as you can see above. But Reverend Billy did show up with a bullhorn, so at least the day wasn't a total loss! We must admit, though, that we're a little bit concerned to see that the good reverend has been so busy protesting, he clearly hasn't even had time to change his clothes. After the jump, a couple of photos from Billy's "exorcism" of Bank of America ATM machine in Union Square yesterday.

Code Pink Strikes Again

cityfile · 04/09/09 10:56AM

For the second time this week, Code Pink managed to crash a televised speech on the economy and unfurl one of their giant banners. This time the victim was Larry Summers, who was addressing the Economic Club in Washington when several people ran on the stage. ("He is a toxic mess!" one activist shouted.) And just how did these people slip past security and make it on to the stage in the first place? Well, there was no security on hand, apparently, although we're guessing that's going to change in the near future. [HuffPo, Fox Business]

Lloyd Blankfein: Cool Under Pressure

cityfile · 04/07/09 10:25AM

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein addressed the Council of Institutional Investors this morning and addressed the issue of how banks pay their employees, suggesting that Wall Street "apply basic standards to how we compensate people in our industry." (It's unclear if these "standards" would apply to Blankfein personally, who earned nearly $70 million in 2007 and $43 million in 2008.) But you have to give him points for the warm welcome he gave the ladies from Code Pink, who rushed the stage during his speech with a giant sign that said "We want our $$$$$ back."

CodePink's Iron Curtain Call

Richard Lawson · 11/21/08 05:45PM

Every so often one commenter serves the public body in singularly superb fashion. These comrades deserve recognition individually-a chance to come forward and take a bow. Today we honor commenter CodePink, who in her weird, warm, wise, and always funny way makes the days tick by just a little faster. Enjoy five of her best comments this week after the jump. Nobody does it better.

Massive Liberal Conspiracy Behind Fake Times

Ryan Tate · 11/12/08 11:06PM

It's true, as we reported this morning, that the the liberal prank group The Yes Men was behind today's spoof left-utopian Times. But there were so many more commie pinkos involved in the plot! The cabal sent out a press release tonight, revealing that their ranks include the Yes Men, protest group Code Pink (which disrupted the Republican National Convention and fought Marine Corps recruiting), Improv Everywhere (they did that tear-jerking little league thing), Anti Advertising Agency (the ad-sticker people) and a few others we're less familiar with. They want to make the headlines come true! So cute. After the jump, read the press release and find out which of their claims is being disputed by the Times.

CodePink & ADismalScience's Tucker Max Duet

Richard Lawson · 08/08/08 04:00PM

You guys are great. We just want you to know that. It takes a week like this-in which the complete ass-hattery of a man like Tucker Max is laid so exquisitely bare-to remind us what kind, unprejudiced little shits you are. So in honor of that, we've selected six of our favorite Tucker Max comments and placed them after the jump, where I'm told they serve beer. Oh, and it's not an accident that it's just ADismalScience and CodePink down there. They did extra-amazing work. But know that you are all near and dear to us. Except you, Moff.

After The Gay Bomb

abalk · 06/12/07 11:00AM

On Friday, the Pentagon confirmed long-standing reports that, a decade ago, military leaders had considered building a gay bomb. An Air Force proposal suggested the concept of an offensive weapon that might render its victims homosexual. "One distasteful but completely non-lethal example," said the proposal, :would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behavior." While the idea was scrapped, it seems unlikely that other governments are so scrupulous. In this morning's Times, former Defense Secretary William J. Perry and others suggested that the time to prepare for an attack of gay is now.