
Hack to Hacker: Rise of the Journalist-Programmer

Ryan Tate · 01/14/10 09:21PM

As if the journalism job landscape weren't terrifying enough, now you've got to think about learning to code. It's yet another new media skill you'll need to stay ahead of competitors. And make no mistake: they're stockpiling O'Reilly books.

Twitter's 'Cyber Ghetto'

Ryan Tate · 08/06/09 01:54PM

Without a clear reason for being, Twitter is about to flail its way into a "cyber-ghetto" for the aimless, alongside second-tier social network MySpace. At least that's the argument of a provocative post from Cody Brown, NYU's new-media wunderkind.

A 'Pretty Rad' Day for Dreaming

Ryan Tate · 08/05/09 07:02PM

Craig Newmark imagined burning calories with a handheld computer toy; Evan Williams got stoked about a Twitter client and a Chicago Tribune producer imagined Twitter might help her find people who hate Twitter. The Twitterati were thinking positively.