
Americans Now Spending Millions of Dollars on Collectible Nickels

Caity Weaver · 04/26/13 05:43PM

Remember the mid-nineties, when Americans thought that the dollar was on a dangerous free fall and the only secure investment was Beanie Babies? That was crazy, but we all learned a lot. We learned that the only secure investment is nickels.

There Are No More Dollars

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/11 02:06PM

There will be no more "dollar coins." Nobody wants them. The coins, we mean; their heft is too great for the threadbare, hole-studded pockets of the average American pant. But dollars themselves—sure, we'll take em. Got any? No.

The White House Owes an Apology to Chester A. Arthur

Jim Newell · 12/13/11 05:30PM

President Obama set another horrifying legal precedent today, by messing around with that most important of statutory laws: The 2005 Presidential $1 Coin Act, which "requires the U.S. Mint issue new presidential $1 Coins with the likeness of every deceased president." The White House announced today that the U.S. Mint would no longer make these coins for general use, since it's a silly vanity project that no one cares about.