Is The D. B. Cooper Case Closed? Locals Say "Eh"
Joshua Stein · 10/24/07 02:25PM
We've been waiting all week for word of the success or failure of New York magazine's sort-of maybe kinda identification of D. B. Cooper—who has become something of an American myth since he hijacked a Northwest plane in 1971 and made off with $200,000. So far we've gotten not much: "Bonney Lake residents doubt neighbor was D. B. Cooper," says the AP today. Meh. The suspect's brother, Lyle Christiansen of Minnesota, really really wanted Nora Ephron to direct the movie but of course she didn't even return his letters. (Just like that Eminem song Stan.) But how reliable a narrator is Lyle? In order to send Ephron the letter, he paid a gumshoe $495 to find her address. Really, how can one rely on the word of a man who can't figure out how works?