
Rich Colleges Get Richer and Richer

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/15 11:52AM

The 1%-vs-99% inequality dynamic that plagues America's economy as a whole extends to the world of higher education. And the richest universities in America had a great year last year.

FSU Lecturer Loses Job Over Rant Against "Filthy Rodent Muslims"

Adam Weinstein · 12/10/14 11:50AM

A senior business communications instructor at Florida State University left her job but refused to apologize last week after blaming "filthy rodent Muslims" for ruining France and telling a prominent gay hairstylist on Facebook to "Take your Northern fagoot [sic] elitism and shove it up your ass."

Almost Nobody Graduates From College On Time

Hamilton Nolan · 12/02/14 11:22AM

Is it true that community college "takes two years" to complete, and regular college "takes four years" to complete? Not at all! It takes much, much longer.

Florida College President Is Either a Thug or a Moron

Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/14 09:48AM

The president of a Florida college that serves more than ten thousand students says he does not believe that his own students should be entitled to report on things that happen at their own school. Why is this man in the field of education?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/14 09:24AM

Grad student employees at NYU's engineering school (annual cost: $49,315) get paid as little as $10 an hour, and they are not happy about it. Of course, it could be worse.

Am I Black Enough for You?

Jason Parham · 10/17/14 06:35PM

By the time it happened, I had considered us a pretty close group of friends. We’d all come from different pockets of the country—Maryland, New Jersey, Philly, New York, Los Angeles—but had arrived at Sproul Hall eager to be on our own for the first time.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/24/14 10:09AM

Harvard's endowment grew 15.4% last year and now stands at $36.4 billion. Harvard remains very rich. If you give money to Harvard rather than to a better charity, you are an asshole.

What Can We Learn From the New Yorker's Bard College Alumni Letter?

Leah Finnegan · 09/22/14 01:43PM

In this week's New Yorker, Alice Gregory puzzles over the future of tiny Bard College, from which (as she discloses in an oddly coy aside) she graduated five years ago. If you want to learn about the college, which is basically a precious hipster Marxist summer camp where 60 to 80 percent of the student body is high all the time, by all means, read the article. But you won't find any of the interesting stuff about the school's students. Instead, you'll find a propaganda piece about the school's eclectic president, Leon Botstein.

Easy Rules for Free Speech on Campus

Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/14 12:43PM

Another week, another ultimately meaningless free speech controversy on an American college campus. Should Ayaan Hirsi Ali be allowed to speak at Yale? If only there were some simple way of settling these nonstop arguments.

LSU Frat-Boy Brawl Documented With Perfect Video Selfie

Andy Cush · 09/15/14 12:10PM

On Saturday, the eighth-ranked LSU Tigers beat the Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks 31-0 in a drama-free home game. Far more exciting than that shutout was the frat-boy showdown that one attendee documented outside.