
The Founder of College Humor Has Horrible Advice For College Kids

Jordan Sargent · 05/09/14 01:05PM

Like many rich people, Ricky Van Veen—co-founder of College Humor and fiancé of Girls' Allison Williams—knows exactly how directionless, jobless college graduates should live their lives. In a new Tumblr post, he outlines a plan of action for the unemployed recent graduate. It is extremely realistic and helpful* (*if you are already rich and successful).

The Dude Abides When Tron Meets The Big Lebowski

Whitney Jefferson · 03/02/11 06:00PM

This parody may be one of the best-produced spoofs we've seen. Complete with glowing bowling alleys, glowing beer, and even a glowing bong—the two very-separate worlds truly collide.

The Complete Guide to Natalie Portman's Laugh

Brian Moylan · 01/20/11 02:40PM

In case you missed the Golden Globes on Sunday, Natalie Portman told a not-funny joke during her acceptance speech and then let out a horrendous cackle. Naturally the hivemind of the internet latched onto it and a meme's been born.

Adopting a Kid With Aziz Ansari

Whitney Jefferson · 01/18/11 07:00PM

Aziz' parenting advice is along the lines of watching seasons 1-5 of The Wire, exuding confidence, wearing a tux, not getting fat, and drinking Jameson on the rocks because "all the cool kids start drinking first."

If All Superheroes Were Hipsters

Preksha Kumar · 01/18/11 04:12PM

If superheroes were all hipsters they'd probably tweet, take art exams and knew about Mars way before it was "cool". Hopefully, this isn't the next big reinvention in superhero films despite the obvious comedic potential.

Video about Technology's Early Adopters is Poignant, Timely

Christopher Han · 11/27/10 08:53PM

This one is for every person completely content with the way they get things done now. The ones who, curiously, hold onto their old gadgets with zeal. The good folks at CollegeHumor argue that history is not on your side.

An Honest Four Loko Commercial

Ena Brdjanovic · 11/09/10 07:30PM

Sometimes when I'm chugging my fourth "Five Hour Energy" and my neck's cramping from the weight of my beer helmet, I say to myself, "Self, there's gotta be an easier way to get your energy buzz on." Enter Four Loko.

In Which Charlie Rose Interviews His Own Son

Christopher Han · 10/21/10 07:05PM

With literally every hour-long Charlie Rose interview posted online, it's quite easy to find the pieces you need to put together a spoof. Here CollegeHumor wonderfully recreates the lighting to match the original video as Charlie plays Dad.

Save this Depressed Cat in a Bee Costume

Christopher Han · 10/13/10 04:14PM

News flash: your cat does not want to be a bee for Halloween, he wants to be a cat. Aren't cats already Halloween enough? Have him sit on the couch as himself, and he will not try to jump off.