CollegeHumor Ed Tries to Explain Internet to Times Readers
ian spiegelman · 04/20/08 10:00AM
More proof that Internet frat guys should stick to posting videos of themselves tasing and puking on each other. "But for me it's serious work, all those videos of wedding bloopers, photos of innuendo-laden billboards and articles about Indiana Jones's lesser villains. As an editor of, which attracts six million visitors a month, I know firsthand just how much work goes into wasting your time. Well, not your time, exactly. Typical New York Times readers are over 45 and own their own homes, which is not really our target demographic. Now, the kid you'd like to kick out of the house-a son aged 18 to 24 who, say, rises for Pop-Tarts at the crack of noon, or wails on Guitar Hero III- his is the spare time we're after [...]