
Porn Star Teacher Allowed to Go Back to the Classroom

Brian Moylan · 09/01/11 11:40AM

British teacher Benedict Garrett was given a reprimand for working as a stripper and porn star while also serving as the head of personal, social, and health education at a high school in East London. Yup, that's right, the sex ed teacher was a porn star. But although he was reprimanded, he will be allowed to resume teaching.

CNN's Gay Porn Citizen Reporter Fired from Teaching Job

Brian Moylan · 08/23/11 03:47PM

Gay porn personality and CNN's hottest citizen reporter Sean Loftis (better known to our blind, hairy-palmed readers as Collin O'Neal) has been fired from his teaching job in Florida because of his adult video past. And now he's back to making porn again!

The Sexual Lives of News Anchors: A Guide

Maureen O'Connor · 02/23/10 05:56AM

Jeff Toobin's fetish is too-hot-to-print. Outing Anderson is a national pastime and Barbara Walters has more sex than you do. If gravitas, hairspray, and that thousand-mile teleprompter gaze are your thing, here's your dossier for meth-smoking, anal-fisting, camera-loving news anchors.